

Thought this was about Pablo Sandoval, but whaddaya know...

If they were going to offer him a max deal, they’d have offered him a max deal. They didn’t.

Yet nothing about his own players’ atrocious hair-bleaching choices. Rank hypocrisy.

Counterpoint: it brings me joy to watch that big goofy dope jog around at what seems like glacial pace with his giant hair bouncing everywhere.

Apologies to the friends and family members who have to put up with this fucking tool in their lives lmao

In America we’re so racist that we lose track sometimes of how racist people are in every other country.

As a Warriors fan: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaa surely this run of luck will never run sour or dry hahahahaha

Nothing to prevent you, of course, but EVE isn’t “fun” in the way that other games or even other sophisticated MMOs are fun. It’s about markets and grinding, most of the action is automated and there’s depressingly little space captain stuff going on.

Opinions differ widely on whether PFT Commenter is funny or worthwhile but holy shit is his co-host a fat stupid zero.

Only read the headline but good luck to T.J. Oshie in his battle with dementia. So young!

No one has to like the Warriors but people who hate Steph of all people only expose themselves.

Came for the performative moralizing bullshit in comments, left satisfied.

The reason is he wants to die.

I know this seems like some shitty talk radio take but since Lebron is the sole leader on his team shouldn’t he be focused on rallying the Cavs for overtime? Everyone’s in a haze, they’re looking to Lebron as their emotional anchor and he’s making a show of public despondence. The score is tied and you have five

I attended Stanford from 2002-2006 and Liz Holmes was in my 90-person freshman dorm (Junipero, in the Wilbur complex, where she had a single on the second floor). The voice is absolutely 100% fake. When I knew her she spoke like a totally normal person—her natural voice is perhaps slightly deep and husky for a woman,

Do...cops...address church congregations? Never seen this in any church in my life.

This might be the best Deadspin article I’ve read this year. Brutal, necessary and true. Congrats to Ms. Wagner.

Wow, you hate Bill Simmons? And you’re saying this in a Deadspin comment? That’s fuckin brave, man. You must be cool as fuck

Please stop with the autoplay videos.
Please stop.