
The difference is the DNC stacked the deck for Hillary years ago while the RNC is only trying to stack the deck NOW.

My mom’s a doctor and my dad’s an invertebrate biologist so I grew up with oogy things being normal, and these are great shots. The skin graft on his middle finger, taken from somewhere on his body that was already tattooed, so you get a little piece of the pattern? Amazing.

Personally I prefer the rave scene in Blade 1, but to each his own.

The only egregious play in that video was the Kobe hack, which wasn’t called Flagrant because it’s Kobe. The rest are plays that happen to every driving NBA guard every night. Sometimes you don’t get calls. I totally buy that Lin’s gotten grief every basketball-playing day of his life for being Asian, but this is not

Dark Souls 2 was a fine game but “it was bad” has become something everyone on the internet Just Knows and don’t even bother to argue. The moment From announced the different director, everyone condemned it and that was that.

I enjoy the front-and-center shot of Bumgarner being congratulated by George Kontos, who’d eventually blow the game.

Your first two choices are frozen, stinking hellholes populated with the pastiest and nastiest people alive. Great list, team.

They let me into the voice chat alpha the other day and it’s like NO THIS IS THE WRONG THING WHY MUST YOU MOCK MEEEEE

Any theories as to why the standard deviation in women’s athletics is so high? The best male athletes are better than their competitors by such tiny margins and yet the best female athletes are miles ahead.

“Those are balls.” -Barry Zuckerkorn

In all seriousness, we are left with one of two possibilities: 1) Geno Auriemma is such a transcendent genius that anything he touches turns to gold, 2) There is almost no talent pool for women’s basketball.

Furikake + rice crackers. “Hurricane” popcorn is a staple of any Hawaiian childhood.

It’s all over the place. Anyone who thinks he’s divined some pattern for who does or doesn’t get into Blizzard betas is fooling himself. Except friends and family, obvs.

I’ll save my sympathy for addicts to real drugs, thanks. Get a handle on your gross fucking habit. I LIKE TO TAKE MY POOPS IN PUBLIC THERE NO VICTIMZ WHY DISCRIMINATES??

I’m not sure what you’re trying to communicate, exactly, but news sites cover Marco Rubio because he was until very recently running for President of the United States.

He’s the team’s “official ambassador” or something so at home games he can do whatever he wants.

There’s the predictable 2-man offense, but also they don’t play defense. Not consistently, not well, and so they can’t get stops at the end of tight games against good teams (or, apparently, the T-Wolves). In fairness you probably have to live with a Rubio 3.

Vivek is absolutely offering Barnes $22M/year this offseason.

The entire East Coast just assumes the rest of the country operates on their schedule and the rest of us are fucking sick of it.

It’s really fascinating to me how the pathology of James’ childhood continues to shape his entire persona. Desperate for stability and love, instinctively deferring and passive-aggressive, needing to feel control but never quite convinced he has it.