Tony Noriega
tonynoriega is down... It’s to measure your hands you fucking pervs.


Now’s my chance... “Gwen... I can make yo....ahh fuck it.. I’m coming for you baby!”

What a bitch.

Regulation dirt? It is dirt from a specialized place? Serious question, cuz I want some of that shit in my backyard.

Sometimes I think these user submitted stories are fantasies of what the writer wishes would happen.

Anyone know how I can watch the bowl using my Roku Box? Ive seen a few pirate apps, but that shit skurrs me. Something legit.

I’ve visited Thailand while in the Navy. I concur.

Hmmmmm that’s the problem. He’s a “dude”, not a man yet. Come to Idaho and we’ll go a real date, no ghosts here!

Aw shucks! You’re welcome. I am now noticing the vanishing tinder conversations... all of a sudden “poof”. No more talk. Not even a “hey im busy gotta go” or “i have to go now” its just silence on the line.

Nah, I’d keep it real... I keeps it 100 with my sloths.

I hope a sloth holds me like that one day.

I think I will buy this book. Not bother to open it and read it. Not even look to see if there are any pages in it. And just know it is going to be terrible.

I would like to be a part of Leo’s posse. Can you make this happen?

As a white guy who like hip hop / rap, I think his music is shit garbage.

Anyone want to carpool from Boise to Denver?

Hookers, booze and a down feather blanket.

I hope so to be honest (get it). Seriously, you nailed it perfectly. I lay it down from the beginning... what I like, what I don’t like, what is comfortable and what sucks. I played too many lies before and it fucked me in the end because I couldn’t be myself. So that’s when the “it’s me not you.” line came rearing

Hunh? Just because I am 37 doesn’t mean I don’t want to date. I mean, it sucks just like any other age group. The bonus really is that you can be you and not give a fuck what the other person thinks. You don’t need to make up bullshit stories, if it doesn’t click. Move on. No need to waste anyone’s time. I meant to

You’z a youngster. Try being 37 with kids. So I must be a dinosaur. Oh dear lord...