Tony Noriega

This entire docuseries, case, back and forth has got me absolutely enthralled, and engorged? Anywho... From the beginning to now, I cannot wait to see what comes of this case. This is by far setting the standard for a documentary having an affect on an inmate trying to free himself and the traction is has gained via

Here is my theory in a nut shell. After the lawsuit, the police were monitoring Steven Avery. Surveillance, phone, you name it. They recognized that Halbach was going to his property and seized it as an opportunity to set him up. The two fucks who were going to be on the hook for the lawsuit (names escape me now)

Are you sure about that?

What I want to know is how the fuck is there only two photos... walk into a liquor store and they can trace you back to your fucking front porch, murder someone with a vehicle in one of the most notorious spots in america for crime, and you get 2 blurry pics? GTFOHM

Sadly I never did. Caveat. I think I played him a total of a dozen times? I was one of those kids who would try to snap the controller in half should the game not go my way. So I gave up and vowed never to play the game again. Popped in some Track and Field and blistered up the fingers with the homies.

Why all of a sudden is he this pathetic old decrepit man who can barely get into a vehicle without assistance?

Lame excuses for pathetic paint work. Typical amateur hour. Must have been a county employee.

Jezus christ.. I cannot believe this. What a fucking hack job. I mean really... you cant match the fucking paint color? Amateur hour right there.

I pull a similar trick with my 4year old kid all the time. I reverse spin the ball so when I toss it to him, it spins rapidly back towards me. What a dummy.

Good call.

Next Halloween costume. Kid in basketball shorts with half a busted cue stick poking out of my ass.

The sound of brotha’s head hitting the floor sounds like the bowling ball when my kids uncontrollably throw it down the lane.

Married with Children. Would love to see an Al Bundy pissed off, demoralized face smack dab on the hood.

And it accomplished absolutely nothing.

I haven’t said to my wife that “I want to go see this in the theaters...” about a move in years. I really want to get the full experience of this movie. I don’t know if it is my affection for the outdoors, the “hunt”, the frontiersman genre, the bond between father and son, the utter will to survive and exact revenge

Stephanie knows how to move them hips for a white girl... How old is she now?

I think I may have had... ohh... 4 on this list? But there is no doubt in my mind, that of those, and if I were to be lucky enough to try several more that the 21st Amendment Fireside Chat would be tops on my list. That brew is amazing and I look for it come every winter season.

My wife and I both agree that being around black folk up here in Idaho is a comforting feeling... almost like we are back home. Most people up here probably didnt grow up with any type of diversity... and I say that comforting feeling for two main reasons. When we get into a conversation that does happen to contain

Shatsa for sure... but that was even high class shit to us. I think it was literally called “grape soda” and usually got it from the local gas station. Warm. Don’t think we had Mellow Moon.

Not sure if serious or not. I haven’t checked stats since I moved 10 years ago, but I would venture to day that Whites are the minority in Sac. At least it was at my school in the 90’s. South sac to be specific.