Perfidious Albion

These Newswire writers that aren't O'Neil lack is a philosophy.

My name works for both genders, so I am, quite literally, fucked.

because they lost.

You think they would at least have 'occasional' cloaks though. Also, carrots for noses.

Ygritte dies, uttering her familiar catchphrase "am I bovvered?"

I know it looks cool and everything, but that the nightswatch wear black, not white, is the stupidest thing ever.

Are you people the reason there always has to be a shot of the dog getting saved in the middle of disaster movies? Because if so, we need to have words…

You're confusing the matter by writing 'minging'. Surely it's only ever pronounced mingin' (silent G)

Well I for one, got high hopes…

Great. Now I know what a Goop is.


On the contrary*. I think that more women in real life should draw slender hips on their torso. Like Boy George does so successfully on his neck.

I did that. If you say it too quickly it comes out as "Sure, no kneel" then your legs fall off.

I see you, baby.
Shakin' that asp.

That I could deal with. Just a good ol' fashioned mutilated animal, like the angry kids used to draw in their text books back in my day. Before it all got weird

Okay, but I'm not doing any Rorschach tests. Because this one time I clicked on a DeviantArt link, and now I never want to see another drawing so long as I live.

i'm just glad we don't have antiquated ideas about rape in modern society, manifesting in stories depicting forbidden events in sacred temples in a mythological context.


"mostly harmless"