Perfidious Albion

I dunno dude, that reads to me like Self Entitlement EX + Alpha.

All of you seem to be really okay with naming icecream after meat?

That's the thing I care about most with this. This production has been ruining The Adam and Joe Show since about 2007, and now it's all for naught.

This. As an Englishman I always spent those episodes imagining the parallel Mad Geezers that had produced the famous 'Lemon' ad. It would be nothing like The Hour, BBC's embarrassing attempt at a straight Mad Men copy a few years back, but instead full of fat blokes drinking ale, and British New Wave directors arguing

Let's all remind ourselves what the agency had her do that one time? Still the same person.
And those are the stakes in other peoples lives that Don still dicks around with.
As each character left that scene, she effectively scolded each one in turn, including Cutler who was expecting her approval. She had the highest

He even died like Yoda, so far as I can tell?

I felt a prelude to the routine came with that;
"The Don Draper Show is back on the air, after an unscheduled break" line.
Mad Men breaking the 4th wall? I don't remember that happening before?
( excluding of course the entire concept of Bob Benson)

The barometer for me is this:
I still consider whatever we were supposed to deduce from that 'and Jesse drives away' cutaway, as a massive fudge, ending an otherwise wonderful character arc of a second lead.

I'm pretty sure nobody else has any clear recollection of what this analogy could possibly mean?
But Christopher Lee and the Separatists had some unforgettable bass lines.

Listen, movies are really great. They are incredibly romantic and heroic, no doubt about it. And that's great. But I've thought about it, and my thing is this; online is really hot. And don't get me wrong, movies are cute, but online tv is like, CUT. The cinematography is gorgeous, they use beautiful talent. And I

I feel someone should back you up on this one, since you were accused of 'speculating/making stuff up' back there for saying that Marvel movies are safe and homogenised, which… how can an opinion be speculation?
But that too many other people want to take this speculative, made up shit at it's word.

As a British person, who agreed with the consensus that "Cornetto" was probably the funniest line of the movie at the time, if infuriates me that they've become known as (mostly amongst Americans?) 'The Cornetto Trilogy'

I don't even own an Ants Men, and I'm iffy on Edgar Wright. But what I do care about, is the whole of cinema becoming alienating to all but a 'small circle of die-hard fans', which if you can get past the importance of your own enjoyment for a moment, is what is happening.
The 'differences' that have lead to this, are

Cue series of comments arguing the virtues of a homogenised, interconnected serial format for cinema, over directorial vision.
Go, human nerds, fight for your own disempowerment, fight with all you've got!

I'm not looking that great these days either. My various layers of pleating are looking weathered.

What do these people want, the shirt of my back!?

I want no part in this.

Nobody is going to stand for this. What's next, Sonic in a Nintendo game? This would be like if Star Trek and Star Wars were made by the same person. It would suddenly make hundreds of hours and gigabytes of nerd conversations a fruitless waste of time. And that could never be.

That was the best application of that decades old joke I've ever seen, I laughed for ages.
And it's not even accurate. Surely most of the ones he writes about are… wireless?

I've been an anime fan for 20 years (jeez) so I can say with total confidence and authority that we are all of us, to a man, horrifically racist pedophiles.