Perfidious Albion

yeah, good luck with that.

Why would I do that? It's precisely that an entertainment news story has conjured a thread of degenerative 'Wealth Fandom' that is the problem. Or have you not read the rest of the thread?

My complaint is addressed at the commentariat. And no, it is as life giving nectar to me.

I know this is an entertainment news site and everything, but does it have to mean all these conversations about box office and scheduling, as if any of us are more than just patsies in that game? Don't you all feel cold and dead inside, playing armchair Wall St Trader over a 'commodity' that none of you will ever

Sorry, I totally agree with that guy. Sean's sober-buddy really dropped the ball on this one. Something Awful is one thing; AV Club is another.
Whatever Sean's intention, this is exactly the sort of lark they'll be up to on Reddit and such places; pretending to not care about Batman because they care too much about

Alright. You sold me with joy and wonder. That's really my main complaint against Korra 1&2; it just doesn't make me happy watching it. AtLA was such a joyous show, while also being baddass and featuring genocides and stuff. Which no other U.S produced action cartoon has really ever managed (or particularly even

In my head, I've given up on Korra, having seen up to the end of 'book' 2.

Perversely, Tolkein & Lewis may be forced to change its name for UK audiences, thanks to a legal claim from The John Lewis Partnership.

For clarity, on behalf of my people, I just want to register that nobody in the British Isles has ever heard of this 'Glee' night club, or, for that matter, the emotion of the same name.

Spastic, in the UK, is about on a par with the N word or the C word.
Which is why I had to double take when its derivation 'Spaz' turned up as a characters name on Tiny Toons.

I have definitely never registered anybody in American media say "I wrote to". It always ends simply at "I wrote", as in "I wrote the doctor". Always. So I'm very surprised if you're telling me this isn't considered correct American English?

So it seems. I did not know this.

Well, this was kind of my point. Which is why I said it was kind of my point.
In all honesty, when I read an American z it intuitively reads like txt speak to me - something like putting a 2 instead of a too, whether it's coming from some youtube commenter, or Noam Chomsky.
But point of fact I advocate txt speak. It's

sigh. It's familiarise! Honestly.

Ex2: Mo' Moses.

Because there is no history of awkward anachronistic racist stereotypes in any Transformer movies either.

Inventory: 10 Audacious uses of speedboats in scifi.

Hey, come on. "Polanski is no miracle worker".

Hey, c'mon. "Polanski is no miracle worker".

It's cute. Not quite there yet, though I'm glad they're doing it. Needs more pseudoscience and political echo-chambering. And indie media 'journalism' that is just armchair responding to mainstream journalism from a fixed ideological point.