Perfidious Albion

This is so I don't even what is this, but okay.

Avoiding media because it doesn't represent you, is not exactly radical by any stretch. Though maybe The A.V Club is the wrong place to posit such a notion.

These are questions for wise women with skinny arms.

Any director who can't command the respect of their DP is no kind of director, in my book. So I feel that. Though I still envy their sell-sword lifestyles, sucky narratives be damned.

In fairness to her, she did once come up with my favourite holocaust-denial joke.

Back when my moral compass was guided by self pity, I used to shoplift the hell out of branches of Virgin Megastore, a media outlet that apparently never learnt about keeping the actual media behind the counter. They even kept obscenely expensive game cartridges in unprotected cardboard slips, right there on the shelf.

I have no idea why any DP would turn to directing. All the DPs I know my age have moved on to their third, fifth, eighth feature while I'm still kicking around on my first short. Seems to me like they get to roll up at a production, exercise a huge, gratifying level of creative control on a project (probably saving

This one time, my lady friend was trying to remember this show, offering the set up:
"What's that one? Everything was a funny shape and it had a big weird cow in it?"

Surely this whole article is played out in the Swimming with Sharks clip, with the author as the kid?

The FILM! The film, of course, the film! Have I ever told you how we
made that film? We spent hundreds of millions of hours and dollars on
that film, and, and it was a lot of CRAP! A bunch of crap, a, a whole
bunch of cra, a lot of…

It covers both bases because he's a self-serving antihero who abuses his yokel sidekick . It's similar to the contingent who think they love Basil Fawlty because he shouts at Germans and abuses the Spanish.

I have to admit, before this conversation I've hardly ever given serious credence to the notion of the poppy as an anti war symbol. My experience, simply in terms of how it is worn and used by a majority of people in Britain is as the exact opposite. The unquestioned necessity of it imposed throughout my lifetime has

I was told off by teachers for not wearing a poppy, year after year. And generally quizzed about its absence by the sort of snooty self-serving kids who also wore friendship bracelets (the ones with friends, I guess) who in today's world, would be sharing KONY 2012 links and generally practicing Snopes aversion.

I'm glad that you receive it that way, because it would be nice if I could believe that was a broadly understood reading.
But the most propagated meaning of Rememberance and the poppy in my experience is that very dogmatic, conservative, somehow inextricably Royalist version of the idea that is ritualistically abused

It also may or may not confuse the 'meta' element of Blackadder. There's a strangeness to suddenly imposing such pathos and finality onto characters you know to 'reincarnate'; and if the tonal shift is because you're saying goodbye to the show, and Edmund is all of the Edmunds, and George is also George, and it's sort

Strange. I guess it's a question of cultural specifics, but for me graves would be far less jingoistic than poppies. I mean, gravestones would be corny as hell, but they're just gravestones. The poppy for me is clearly connoted with Rememberance©

I'm prepared to assume those downvotes are for poor sound descriptives.

What it comes down to is this:
Blackadder, for me, is an education gratefully received. A sharp, informative show that I gladly let colour my worldview. But that damn poppy field is the only time in it's whole run that Blackadder tells you what to think.
Aside from any politicowhatever, it's just straight up E.T

The modernity is implicit in the thematics. The intention is clearly to say 'and we have peace to be grateful to them for', whether that's in the immediate thereafter or into the now.
Which perhaps for many people is the appropriate sentiment, but it lacks a level of scrutiny which the rest of Blackadder never

Slomo and a solemn fade to black and it wouldn't be a problem, I would consider it much more daring in fact. But one problem with the poppy field is that it's the only moment the Blackadder saga is bought into modern times.
Consider the ending of Blackadder II, where the 'joke' is that they all die horribly. Then