Perfidious Albion

Downvotes… hghh. huh! What are they good for?
Ambiguous sentiments of disapproval without meaningful engagement.

I'm only sharing this in the interests of completely undermining my position on all subjects forever…

Trust me, liking Queen would not help you in any way.

I feel like any sentiment worth expressing, like the bravery of individuals, is suitably covered by the slomo. The poppy, as you say, is a highly problematic political symbol.

For the record, a significant chunk of the British population, think that sodding poppy field is the most shameful thing in the history of British comedy - the precise moment when Ben Elton became THAT Ben Elton and Richard Curtis THAT Richard Curtis, that the savage first wave of the Alternative Comedy movement died

Good avatar synergy. You know Raphael goes to see 'Critters' in that movie?
"Where do they come up with this stuff?" he whimsically muses.

See? Now if he had just admitted to the source material, and made his work pizza themed, everyone would have found it perversely endearing.

well, there was some movie this one guy made about a boat…

As tired as we all are of seeing studios parade Depp around in a series of Halloween costumes, it's clearly preferably to letting him dress himself.

Kevlar armour vs spiral haircuts. A WB favour to Goyer is much of a muchness.

Also, I never really bought that Jonathan would even tentatively become a wannabe super-villain after Buffy saved him from committing suicide. And then he seemed to get out whatever else was in his system and become a man, with the conclusion to that whole imaginary universe bit.
That was bad character continuity.

Hunger Games! The cure for the common Hunger!

Guys and Dolls, the cure for the common musical!

Well this just looks like a series of set ups for the quarterly rounds of (insert name of 'Spoof Movie' aimed at teen/cretin audience here ).

Surely the best and most unrecognisable Gary Oldman makeup job in cinema, is Joseph Gordon Levitt as Gary Oldman in G.I Joe?

Back in student days of yore, we used to sit around watching Question Time, a popular British topical debate show, texting in with false names to the thing that let select 'viewers comments' run across the bottom of the screen. The key to broadcast was vaguery, and amongst our successful interventions was:

Raiders. Every time!

Sallah: They call him, Disney…

Nah. A couple of times now I've recommended AtLA to people and started watching it with them, and every time I've warned them "It's a kids show, so the pacing and tone takes a while to settle into, but give it a few episodes to warm up" and every time I've been reminded how awesome it is already by the time they reach