Perfidious Albion

Yes, Toph alone achieved metal bending, that much is called being a protagonist. She accomplished something special and unique as the culmination of a character arc, in her capacities as a magic person in a tv show.
What shits all over the specialness of that though, and only retroactively creates the problem you

The problem I had with the Jenora thing, besides having no idea what it was, is that it made no intuitive or emotional sense either.
What (arguably) made emotional sense was that Korra learned to love herself and become the blue giant Korra wearing blue giant snow furs she was always meant to be. But to knock her back

You've obviously never used Tumblr and/or DevArt. What a happy life you must lead.

Korra needs a story that involves coherence. (sigh)

Hey steelraptor, I find your scrupulously researched commentary inspiring. Please hold still while I animate something to illustrate your contribution.

I feel like there's a morality play here not being utilized. If this were one of Sean's he would have somethingsomething you can never go back/inevitability of time/King Canute/George Lucas/alcohol.

You see, Dowd, LEEK JOKES!

When are VeggieTales going to do The Wicker Leek?

See also, marrying an astronaut (Spider-Man franchise)

(not to be confused with Zionism)

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus the term is Jurracist!

May I forward that from now on we all call this RoboCop reboot, RebooCop?

*shudder* That's one of my favorite things to have been frightened by, ever.

First of all, my name's not really Ashton Kutcher.

"the unsavory scene described above, for example, ends with a performance-anxiety joke instead of a rape"

My knowledge of Millar is limited to movies. But it's enough to hate him. In fact after seeing (and enjoying) Kick Ass I described it to someone as a not-hateful or repulsive version of Wanted (just about the most repulsive film I think I've ever seen), having no idea the two were based on the same author. After

My first interaction with Bay's Transformers franchise was catching a trailer for the first one in a shop window. I glanced towards this ostensibly impressive shot of a complicated robot falling over and/or exploding, noted that Shia LeBouef was taking up most of the foreground, and figured out the whole enterprise

My problem with Dowd is that he reviews like a reviewer, or a college grad trying to write like a reviewer.

So aside from just being awesome news, the moral of the story is that any time in the future there's a Doctor Who casting mystery, we just assume they're going to recast someone who was already in The Fires of Pompeii?

All I want to know; is this film funded in part by a hilarious contemporary joke in which his email is gargamel@googlemail ?