Perfidious Albion

I am the one who knocks.


If he's referring to the now annual phenomena of LEGO producing great sets out of all the shitty failed Disney movies that then go on sale, then yes, history will vindicate this film!

No, John Landis(!) already made 'Die Hard at Disneyland', but unfortunately filmed it as Beverly Hills Cop III.

whow… (near silent, awestruck 'wow')

Janeane Garofolo is right, that guy has way too many muscles to play a human being anymore, it's ridiculous.

based on the book A Thong of Ice and Fire.

A Chair made out of Swords

Chris Nolan keeps messing up perfectly straight-forward and reasonable stories about a man dressing as a bat, with nonsensical right-wing politics. I'm not sure I would leave him alone in the house with any of MY science, though what the rest of you do with your own sciences is between you and your God.

Okay, I know nothing about the original besides the gushing and optimism I'm reading in this thread - but all I'm seeing is a FOX logo, mechanics lifted from (irrational drivel) Tree of Life, and possibly some sort of manga Jesus?

Today I am ze President, tomorrow I vill Roosevelt!

I think in commercial interviews it has less to do with authorial intent than the problem of expressing intent within a situation where the creative is themselves an advert, an extension of their product. I would like to see more directors throw caution to the wind, like Paul Verhoeven in his (best) audio commentary

It might also be something to do with this being a press-junket interview for a commercially released theatrical movie from Tristar pictures, a subsidiary of Columbia Pictures, a subsidiary of SONY pictures, and therefore not really the time to whip out that Time Warner © Anonymous mask.

I genuinely just googled who Taylor Swift even is. I am my own hero.

Yours sincerely,
Alejandro Jodorowsky.

You obviously weren't trying to follow Tron Uprising.

Based on the trailer, I can't really figure out if Arnie and Stallone are starring in a whole movie together, or not really together in any scenes together at all**?

50 Cent, Arnold Schwarzenneger, Sylvester Stallone.

Our latest release;

It always struck me that the motherships all seemed to be crashing down at an angle, ready to plow into their respective cities ghettos.