
How does it handle formatting of emails, very similar to the stock Mail app I hope? What I hated about the Gmail app is the way it formatted things. Hopefully this app is better. Currently 8,500 or so ahead of me, looking to try this out!

Wow, that has got to be the dumbest car commercial ever.

Does this work on that Other space that gets used up on the iPhone? I just ended up doing a fresh install of 6.1 because mine had ballooned up to over 2.5gb. Now it's running at 1.3gb and no more space issues. I'm sure repeated backups/beta installs/app installs & deletes affect that.


Yeah we had those down here in FL while the construction boom was going on. I've seen a few in different colors with tool chests on the back and everything.

Dark blue, steel blue or the dark red please! Black looks badass too.

Biting off the previous gen 5 series headlights and the big Lexus. That's about right.

Yeah he opened up a huuuuuuge (sorry couldn't resist) dealership in Cape Coral. Sold a TON of Kia's but now it's starting to slow down, market saturation and all.

Haha I was just gonna suggest this! His commercials are all over SW Florida.

I agree. My mom picked up a '13 Overland and I much prefer the exterior to this update. Way too busy up front, sometimes they need to leave well enough alone.


Two things Google Maps needs IMO. First is the option to tap one button and start directions like Apple's Maps does. I don't always need to look at all the options. Second is contacts integration, which I'm sure they're working on for the next update. Otherwise, I love the app and prefer it over Apple's for better

Definitely sign in, and you'll be able to Star an item as bliss said below and it'll save it. I'm looking forward to contacts integration, annoying that I have to copy/paste or manually type in an address from my contact book. Hopefully that'll be in the next update.

Haha that's great

WHAT DID YOU DO?! Great, thanks

Cool thanks for the tips, I'll try out S mode. I do enjoy the car when it's cruising and the way it rides. It's just a shame that the tranny jerks as much as it does. Also the clunking noise is new, will have to bring it back in to the shop to have them take a look.

The Ford video would show me cursing at my girlfriend's Focus, having to stomp on the gas pedal to accelerate, and lots of clunking noises lol

Finally a car that I would consider over an M3!

I was referring to buying a 7 series/A8/S class and comparison-shopping this even though it's cheaper. Just because it has the same features on paper doesn't make it as good :-)