
Sometimes yes, I'll give you that, but not always. However, once you're in it becomes readily apparent whether you know your stuff or not.

You have to earn what you make, not the other way around. Why do you think some people get promoted while others wallow in the same position for years? It's not because of entitlements or luck, it's called having a good work ethic and being a good employee.

Up until my sister moved away, I never used it. Now we FaceTime a few times a week to catch up and interact. It's great for someone you're close and already very comfortable with, otherwise it's a bit odd.

The Music app now lets you control it even when plugged into a car's (or headunit's) USB port. Sounds like a minor feature but HUGE when you can quickly hop through playlists! Hoping it's not a bug and an actual feature in 6.1...

The big teeth...yup I can definitely see his teeth.

I use it for storing notes, how-to's, DIY's, etc. on topics like home, automotive repair, tech repair, stuff like that. I also use it for work to keep track of committee topics, meetings, and workflows. As long as you title & tag things appropriately, you can quickly find exactly what you need!


Someone should tow this guy around like that...see if his chin enjoys it

Jealousy is a stinky cologne

Come on now...

Definitely, the new iPad (er, iPad 3) keeps up no problem. It's definitely the internals, same as going from say an iPhone 4 to the 5. The 5 is a beast, I've yet to really slow it down.

He wins

I agree about the AI too, much too easy. They just don't seem to work together as they should to try and track you down.

Dishonored has me torn. Let me first say that I'm happy to have given the devs my money as it is an excellent game, and I agree with the throwback feel to Thief & Deus Ex. I'm a little over halfway through, but unfortunately my interest is waning. I think it stems from the Dark Vision. As much as it's cool (and

As much as I love Tweetbot & purchased it for both iPhone & iPad, there's no way I'll pay $20 for it on OSX. I'm on my Mac less and less these days, but even if I wasn't I'd have to have a significant amount of business-related Twitter usage to justify $20 on a Twitter client.

Not necessarily. That used to be a common practice, but it's become increasingly rare or toned down due to the market.

I'm so glad to finally see a developer not feel the need to shoehorn in multiplayer into a distinctly single player experience. I'm loving this game so far, glad I took a chance and went for it.

Yeah I had suggested the 335d as well, although currently they do not offer it in the newest body style. Still, I'd much rather have a 2010 335d than an E350 BlueTec - more fun, quicker and not as big.

Love it

I'd take a fairly recent 335d please, preferably with a ECU tune :-)