
I see a BRZ & new 3 series, especially from the side profile. Not that that is a bad thing, since I like both vehicles. I'm curious to see how this drives.

I see a BRZ & new 3 series. Looks pretty good compared to some of the other offerings in its class.

So true. I fall into that same category, and although I try to learn as much as possible whenever possible, it doesn't pain me to admit that I'm a car nut yet possess a mediocre amount of repair know-how.

You'll never find Nedry on that train!

Agreed. Having had the real stuff from Sicily this is just awful. Maybe for frying things in this would work, but lord help anyone that would finish a sauce or top something with it instead of extra virgin lol

I can see the cost savings, but virtually the same taste? Bullshit. Maybe if you're buying cheap fake extra virgin, but the real deal tastes a LOT better than canola can ever taste.

And the little fact that the storm itself didn't cause a majority of the damage, it was the levies breaking.

I agree with the others, anything Mansory touches.


Yeah maybe, but I agree I don't see why someone who isn't at all proficient with tech in the home would get something so integrated in their vehicle. God knows how many people can't drive as it is without any additional distractions!

Hey I use an iPhone...nevermind it's true they all have iPhones lol

No, send a Prius...preferably with a hipster inside.

I agree with that, however having used both the pre- and post-update versions of the MyFord Touch on the new Focus I can honestly say it's god awful. The pre-update looked nice enough, but was very buggy and lagged a lot. Then they go and issue and update, and strip out the majority of the good looks for a

Have to say the wheels look really good on an e60! The body for the most part looks nice, but the questionable mechanics make me run from this one. Too bad, had he just kept things within reason and left good enough alone with just the aesthetic mods this would have been a nice car.

Lol seriously.

Exactly. This is a perfect example of how screwed up our judicial system is that this would even be heard. $10m because of a "possible" foot injury"? Come on.

Lol I immediately thought of the Aztec as well. Definitely one of, if not THE, ugliest vehicles ever designed.

And that's why you do a little test run at normal speed before you do a speed run...moron.


Me too, I sit in front of a computer screen way too long and am beginning to notice my eyesight taking a hit after years of it.