
How would the updates work though? I would think it would prompt you to sign in with the ID you originally used to install the OS with. Not that it's a big problem, but still just a thought that people might want to consider. Minor annoyance :-)

They'd have to change the bus's name from London Booster to London Rooster. Aaaaaand I'm leaving...

I love that pic

I hear that. I hated having to clean the front wheels twice as often on my past BMW's.


Agreed on both counts! I'm anxious to hear their review as well.

That's AWESOME. Although I would hate to fall off in that first section of cleared woods, holy shit there was a lot of debris and pointy sticks!

I will, looks like there are enough decent updates & upgrades (mainly around notifications, iCloud integration & AirPlay mirroring) that will be worth $20.

I questioned this as well.

Looks like a Lexus RX

Good ol' Lexus RX...why am I not surprised?

Most likely. Lots of street racing used to go on around there back when I was up that way.

1. Rogue

Don't forget the Midwesterners who freak out when the roads aren't straight or have to pull a u-turn because they missed their turn off. They just cut across 3 lanes of traffic instead.

I have to agree. I just took a road trip up to the Northeast, and soon as I got back into Florida my road rage came back almost immediately. It's amazing how bad they are down here!

Clearly you've never been to Florida lol

I guess it's not bad, and good reference to the S2000. I forgot that had low torque and it still performed well.

I was shocked at the low torque number. 151?? I'm surprised they couldn't coax out a little more twist.

Agreed, iceburg is useless. Boston bibb is my favorite, but romaine and green leaf work well too.

And I even like the color! Love Indiana Jones movies.