
Bravo, my sentiments exactly.

Some valid points, however the Afrika Korps were starved & cut off from supplies due to British Intelligence & misinformation sent back and forth to Germany. We all shouldn't kid ourselves and be thankful that Hitler was an egomaniac who wanted to have his hand in all affairs of the military when he should have left

Thank you for this, haven't seen it in a long time.

Man I didn't realize how many fishy-looking cars are out there! Add this guy to the list...

Excellent observations, you must have roamed these lands before.

Your assessment is correct, sadly it isn't just the elderly that are causing issues down here. I think I've narrowed it down to the sun cooking their brains...

I agree 100% with you on it being best suited for certain types of machines, aka laptops. My gf's MBP would surely benefit from utilizing full-screen apps and the swiping between them. Using a 27" iMac makes going to a laptop feel so crammed for space, and I believe a lot of the features implemented in Lion are

I'm sure the hoards of pickup drivers down here in FL will be shocked in knowing that their truck can actually tow a real weight amount, even though they never use them to. I've never seen so many trucks with absolutely nothing being carried in or towed by them as down here.

Hey don't punish them just because a lot of d-bags buy them ;-) I've always found Aston & Ferrari to have (for the most part) graceful styling, classy interiors and a touch of mystique to them. Lamborghini, as much as I admire what they are capable of, are a much flashier and more ostentatious brand than their

I have much respect for the McLaren, but how are Aston Martin or Ferrari not classy?

Wow, #2 is a real doozy

I like your thinking

Great read here, gave me flashbacks to the Rt. 70 circle, Red Lion, and also the Atlantic City airport, Berlin, etc. I think they are excellent when implemented and driven in correctly, but like you said most people are too dumb to understand the intricacies of the circle (roundabout). I miss them down here in FL,


The new F12/F13 looks so much better than the outgoing nurse shark. Look at mkbruin's pic then the front of the nurse shark lol

More Ovaltine please!

+1. This and the OG Hummer.

Glad to see others hate minivans as much as I do. Sad part is, most people driving minivans & those monstrosities we call large SUV's only have 1 or 2 kids.

Makes me miss sleeping on the boat. The rocking would knock me out in a couple minutes, slept amazing!