
I'd hope that his entourage of hot girls are wearing matching bikinis.

Ehhh, part of me likes it and part does not. If they would fix that retarded top and get rid of the ugly black fender flares/lower fascias, it would look 100x better. The rest looks fine.

Oh if there was only a way to put this UI on top of the iOS platform for apps purposes. JACKPOT! This looks really great, I love all of the animations, the contacts & their related data, and the overall look. Makes iOS look really blah.

Awesome, I can't imagine what it must feel like to drive an open car like that on the 'Ring!


Thanks, that's exactly what I was referring to (Line 1)

It's my understanding that you can transfer money between PayPal accounts if the money sent & received goes through the bank transfer & not a credit card.

This is my question as well. I would assume they're talking about putting it into Standby mode too.

My point is that a $50k median income is not bad at all for a job that does not require any advanced degrees, grants one benefits that are just about tops, & perks galore. Those other jobs that you say don't require as much "hard working", well using your brain is often much more stressful (and difficult to perform)

Real friends or "OMG I love your purse!" *turns away* "OMG did you see that dress she's wearing? Eww!" Facebook friends?

LOL @ minimal pay. Have you seen what they make compared to what many other highly educated, hard working people make?


My car says thank you for not living in the midwest.

Definitely. Enjoy that e39, it's a sweet car and lots of fun! I loved the interior of those as well, very very nice.

All of those beautiful country roads in England and they do this in the city? Wow, what an asshole.

It looks just like I had imagined, and in a gorgeous blue to boot! I've been lusting after M5's since the e34's (riding in one then seeing Ronin sealed the deal), and man this looks fantastic. I think it's heads and shoulders above the last gen, and like others have said has a similar overall stance/look as the e39

I agree with your rant. Sometimes simplicity is better, and far too many out there overcomplicate cooking. It's really not that hard people...unless of course you're lazy.

Sad but true!

If this were still pre-2008 America, I might agree. Not now! (unless he has government contracts, then sure why not)