

Beat me to it, nice

Oh man that is hilarious! Nothing beats someone biting it while trying to do something "cool".

Sad but true! At least the perfect vote-getting politicians. Makes you wanna slap your neighbor!

The sad part is that she keeps getting more and more air time! I can understand from the news stations' perspective, but who in their right mind actually listens to her babble and takes it seriously?! These 2 make a perfect pair - loud, obnoxious, overflowing egos and purveyors of nonsense.

Good point!

Sigh, another old person not paying attention. I'll file this one in my book of evidence for my cornerstone should I ever run for office: retesting senior citizens yearly in order to keep their license. I know, I know, I'll never win...but at least you'll know someone else out there believes in it too!


Great pick there, and all true. Hard to justify performance-wise, so one would have to argue they like the larger, more menacing looking Murcielago. I like both so I'd take the Gallardo, pocket $100k for fun times and buy an M5 for my DD :-)

If this looks like the new 5er (which it does so far), I'm going to like it! The new 5's, especially with the M-sport kit, look so sick.

It's true, although it's hit or miss. Here on the west coast, you can have a beautiful town and right next door a bunch of trailer parks & hillbilly rednecks. However, the same can be said of many places in our country, perhaps substituting ghettos for trailer parks in some instances lol


This! My phone is more often closer to my grapes than my melon.

Thank you for posting the one I had originally posted lol

I think that pic was taken after Obama's first day in office...he never called to invite him to the party.


I think this was the first indicator that things might go downhill...

Sadly, so did I...and I live in FL.

Don't forget all the external airbags for when the old folks cut across multiple lanes of traffic or pull out right in front of you to get to the Bob Evan's quicker. Might help to minimize damage to other cars when they clip someone in their land yachts. Just ask me how I know...