
Great story, thanks for sharing this! What a lucky guy, and props to him for enjoying such a wonderful work of art (both mechanically & artistically)!


I completely agree with Ferrari on this one. I think it's a trivial lawsuit. Come on, who in their right mind is going to be "confused" about the F150 name between the 2 vehicles? A pickup & an F1 car, really? Just another ridiculous lawsuit that our courts just love to hear...

Why can't the cops give out stupidity tickets? This is just awful!

More the Saab than this, but still similar IMO.


Did Saab change their logo? Or is it a Fusion?


LOL love it

"Get your hand away from the bank!"

Nailed it right on the head. I immediately thought Evo but yes very GT-Rish as well.

That is awesome! Love watching any cat, no matter how large or small, go on the attack. Truly one of nature's most beautiful creatures.

True, but what about the 911?

Eh, it didn't really do anything for me. A good ad, nothing amazing. It was a far better piece on the current state of Detroit than the car itself, and pandering the to the public about buying a car from Detroit because it has "risen again" is putting the cart before the horse as well as sad.

@jje37: And less drama, less police officers on the scene, etc, etc. We all know how the police forces like to be efficient...

Good article. I have a program called Trash (vague enough) that works very well, although upon doing a Google search to find a link for everyone I cannot for the life of me find it! I'll see if I can locate it at home tonight to post up.

They dug too greedily and too deep...

'ring time or GTFO

You spelled MOAR wrong

Very true, love the C1's!