
@AndyYankee17: Seriously, although someone who's been through this many DUI's has basically no liver left and is a walking posterchild for alcohol tolerance. This man wakes up slurring I'd be willing to wager...

@AzureStarline: So many uses for this, and yet this is one of the best topics I've seen.

@Shamoononon: Yeah, he definitely didn't do it off Keystone's lol. Maybe the ol' Bloody Mary breakfast, followed by a multiple Long Island lunch and some shots before stepping into the courthouse.

That's the look of a winner right there.

I see your catfish & raise you an anglerfish.

Oh boy will those Panamera owners be PISSED! I think it looks great, can't wait to see it in the flesh. And I agree, reminds me of my favorite clown shoe :-)

The Great Wall of China was built with the bones of its the great highways of China are built with the bones of the drivers...

Man I really want one of these. I remember seeing a Defender back in the 90's for the first time and have been hooked ever since! Order me a green/tan one with brush guards, roof rack & an assortment of rifles, and off we go on safari :-)

@GirchyGirchy: Yup, 575 Superamerica had it I believe.

@pettijohn: I was going to type the exact same comment lol.

I must confess, this is my absolute favorite color combo on the e36 M3's, and I still can't believe this guy didn't drive this car more! It was and still is a great driver's car, albeit the US got shafted with the weaker motor.

The only difference I see is the reminders. Everything else is accessible through their regular app. Not worth DL'ing another app for IMO, but nice to have alerts.