Look who’s in the White House as evidence.
Look who’s in the White House as evidence.
Please add “dossier” and “high-quality person.”
39-person bridal party. What the actual fuck?
Why don’t they sell this Stateside? I would totally be in the market.
That tombstone costume is so tacky and offensive, and endemic of how low-class this whole Administration is. Not even Halloween is sacred to this trash.
This is the best thing ever!
Hey everyone, we need to do all we can to make sure Northam pulls it off in Virginia. Gillespie is a snake and has now resorted to selling his soul to win. Redistricting after the 2020 census should be a top 3 priority for Dems & Progressives. It’s key to restoring a little sanity and compromise to our broken system…
That song is so wretched.
I used to watch this with my mother growing up. It’s a classic.
I’m the opposite of a Conservative Republican and I just happened to catch Senator Flake’s speech. It was great, but made me profoundly sad. Trumpism is like a cancer that kills a healthy patient.
An Apple logo on the back that was also a fingerprint scanner would have been dope.
“be brave, to be honest. To understand the responsibility of your country, and to not forget about humor because it really helps in difficult situations when you have almost half of the country not going to vote, it’s no way to have another result.”
Happy to see my beloved Atlanta up there (NYC-based now). Always amazed at the growth of intown Atlanta whenever I go back. Midtown and the area around Georgia Tech are a sea of cranes with all the high-rises going up, Ponce City Market reminds me so much of Chelsea Market here (same developer), and the Beltline is…
Austin needs to get its act together re: transit. Other than the lack of decent transit it’s a fantastic city.
We are literally moving back in time, in thinking, rolling back progress. And yes, I blame everyone who either sat out the last election or voted 3rd party because “lesser of two evils,” “both corrupt,” Wall Street, blah, blah fucking blah.
My favorite conspiracy theory is that, knowing the Russians play the long game, that Melania is a Russian spy as part of Putin’s plot to upend the American political system. It’s a whopper but wouldn’t it make a terrific Le Carré novel?
I really liked season one, even though it was sometimes hard to watch, but that was the point. Plus, Mo Collins.
If I ever hear one more (R) or Conservative talk about Benghazi I will toss this scandal back in their faces. He waited nearly 2 weeks to publicly acknowledge the incident and his fat ass was out golfing when their bodies arrived back on U.S. soil. I despise this man.
I must be slipping because I LOVE THEM ALL.
I want this on a t shirt.