I’m just so fucking tired of this ass hat getting away with behavior like this. Every day is a new low. And now they’re about to possibly repeal the ACA. I need a drink.
I’m just so fucking tired of this ass hat getting away with behavior like this. Every day is a new low. And now they’re about to possibly repeal the ACA. I need a drink.
What the hell’s a “clan room?”
Ahhhh, thanks. Both hot.
My friend and I saw Spider-Man: Homecoming over the weekend and we could have sworn that Tom Hardy played one of Vulture’s henchmen (the one who gets accidentally fried by the laser gun). But he didn’t show up in the credits. If it wasn’t him, there is a Tom Hardy doppelgänger out there.
How is he allowed to get away without testifying under oath? The whole family are crooks and liars.
She looks great. Healthy and happy. I’ll always lover her for “Die, Mommie, Die!”
Lost weekend? I sorta remember Lyonne having a lost decade (the 2000s).
Gay guy here but I can’t even imagine how intimidating it would be to date Charlize Fucking Theron. Not only is she way too beautiful but she seems like she’d be a bad-ass IRL.
“It was limited. You know, it was two hours, and the parade ended. It didn’t go a whole day. They didn’t go crazy. You don’t want to leave, but you have to. Or you want to leave, really.”
What could possibly go wrong when a moron meets a KGB agent?
I love Shea but Sasha definitely deserved to win. Her creativity is through the roof. She is today’s Leigh Bowery or Klaus Nomi. Sasha and Shea definitely seemed like the nicest, most likable of this past season.
Avid MSNBC watcher/listener here. I watch every morning before work and I watch or listen beginning at 5pm on the drive home. I was rooting for Greta. I was hoping that she was seeking a sort of deliverance from her 14 years of towing the Fox line through the gutter/toilet. But the show just didn’t work and she seemed…
God our President is such a pig. Does he also not realize that he’s actually going to boost their ratings now (which are not bad to begin with)?
Ha, like he wrote that. This guy did.
Is that snark? Because you can’t even begin to imagine the “carnage” that would inflict on our economy.
Ironically so is the real life version of 1984 we all live in now.
Try as I may, I just can’t seem to wrap my brain around defending huge tax cuts on the rich and switching the burden to the less fortunate. And these are people that claim to be Christians.
Good for her! I wish I had the balls to do it. Half of my daily commute in the NYC area involves sitting in a backed-up left lane before an exit while dickheads use the passing lane to creep up to the front and then cut over at the last second to make the exit.