hmm... I have a 2015 Mazda 3 hatchback and I feel like the thing is a rocket. It’s definitely got the “zoom zoom.”
hmm... I have a 2015 Mazda 3 hatchback and I feel like the thing is a rocket. It’s definitely got the “zoom zoom.”
I live in New York City so even a “go-bag” isn’t going to help. I just hope the bomb lands on my head.
I can’t stand Cillizza.
This guy is a real prick for sure, but I can’t stand her voice as much as I can’t stand her father’s, for different reasons. Her hushed and deliberate tone comes across as robotic, soulless, and calculating. I never believe a word that comes out of her as sincere.
This show made me so angry but I will happily hate-watch the reboot.
I’ve also suffered from anxiety for just over 10 years. Therapy and meds have helped and fortunately I’ve reached a point where I rarely need my anti-anxiety medication and am able to avoid the panic attacks I used to get regularly. Running has been life-changing for me (all exercise in general), keeping my phone on…
People love to shit on CNN but lately I have found myself listening to Alyson and Chris Cuomo more on my morning commute versus my old go-to of Morning Joe. They’ve both been impressive while smartly grilling Trump administration officials.
Andy Borowitz nailed this at the New Yorker:
I’ve been thinking exactly this since the news broke.
He’s sooooo creepy. A grown man who calls his wife “mother” and doesn’t trust himself to be alone with another woman should not be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
It’s cute that they think we’ll be around in 2028.
It’s cute that they think we’ll be around in 2028.
I disagree actually. The last half of season 2 was perfect.
ok turnout in NYC and DC but I was really hoping for more. I think next weekend, Earth Day, is an even more appropriate day to march given the war on the environment 45 has unleashed.
Mine says “Trumpunzel, Let Down Your Taxes!” with Trump’s golden locks cascading down a tall tower. Feel free to steal.
Is that Amber Valletta? Love her.
Where’d I leave my surprised face? I know it’s around here somewhere...
I’ve never seen that wedge tornado video before. Talk about a Code Brown! It just goes on and on.
This whole administration is nothing but a giant, scary cabal, seeking to further their fortunes.