It’s the stick up his ass.
Shouldn’t he be smiling? I mean that is some dark shit right there. And his signature looks like a seismograph. Appropriate perhaps.
I would honestly rather sit at home and watch a Golden Girls marathon on Lifetime than to hear/see any of those people perform.
Exactly my response to that line. Plus, Jennifer Holliday is going to get a LOT of shade from her Broadway/gay fan base.
I would love to introduce Mr. Chaffetz’s face to my fist.
I wish there was a sitcom on about an alternate reality in which Hillary won and everything is awesome and everyone is happy, just to troll 💩’s ass.
2018 people. Non-Republicans are notorious for sitting out midterms but we need to send a clear message to these a-holes that trying to erase ALL of the accomplishments of the Obama years will not be tolerated. Not in the slightest.
That’s actually not true unless you can prove intent to endanger national security. Can you? Because no one else including the FBI has been able to.
Did Coogi buy London Fashion Week cuz...barf!
And expose both their motives and our methods of tracking them, which would NOT be good.
Please define the media elite and mainstream media? I’m so sick and tired of this BS nomenclature. Fox News, the altar the Right worships at, is the #1 news network by far (doesn’t get more “mainstream” than that) and, being NYC-based and staffed by multi-millionaire talking heads, is as elite as it gets.
Nice try Vladimir!
I, for one, don’t want her to go away. She’s an incredibly smart and capable woman with a lifetime of public service who should be leading some sort of fight against the rise of hate and fear 💩’s election has spawned. What that role is I have no clue, but I’d gladly support her.
Sorta agree. My first and last was the original Lollapalooza. I do still hunger for a trip to BPM or WMC though, but I have the olds.
Hot trainers. Definitely hot trainers.
From reading their comments it appears that the Republican’s 25-year assault on a smart, decent, accomplished and caring woman worked flawlessly. How anyone could call her corrupt (evidence please) and rail against her marriage while overlooking T’s corrupt business practices, law suits and multiple wives and cheating…
I would have too but Hillary f’in PWNED Trump in the debates and it didn’t matter ultimately.
I don’t know. Maybe save them for the 2020 race at this point? Assuming they exist, of course.
Pretty sure this woman is an escaped Hexenbiest from Grimm.