
sometimes people are just violent assholes.

I'm almost certain that this person did not have a license to carry that weapon. This is about male entitlement which is a pathology but not a mental illness. If he didn't have a gun, he would have used a knife, his fists, or any other weapon at hand. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the strictest gun control

Ha! He's actually in a snit in that picture, because the photographer* had a quacking duck stuffed toy that he absolutely fell in love with, and he was not happy about having to pose for pictures when he just wanted to play with the duck in the corner. That's his "Really? You are REALLY going to subject me to these

I HATE when someone tries to go down on me. And having people try to talk me into it, saying "You'll like it, just let me" etc. is NOT cool.

Saying re: this article that "it's [just] a freaking blow job" is NOT cool. It may just be a freaking blow job to some people, but obviously it isn't to the woman in question. It

Agreed. It just scares me this kind of thing. Jezebel is all up in arms ( or wants to appear so) over these leaked celebrity nudes and how it's harassment and abuse, but publicly tearing down and mocking someone living with an incredibly difficult chronic i also feels to me like abuse, bullying, and harassment.

I hate that assholes have ruined pranks.

I don't know, if I knew that I lived with someone who makes money by pranking me, I would assume everything he did was a prank and be skeptical of it. Which is why I figure it's probably staged; in a real relationship where you knew you could be pranked at any time I imagine you would constantly be on edge and not

Seriously. "Look! The freak is off her meds!" Just gross, fuck you Madeline and Jezebel.

Weren't y'all gonna stop harassing Amanda Bynes since she's like, suffering from a mental condition?

Let's not make fun of mental illness, please.

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

And if I'm not mistaken, the baby had a little snack at the end of the video, too! I love this video clip so much, my eyes literally turned into big red hearts.


Well, it's nice all those techs, costumers, and lighting guys are getting work I guess.

I guess Johnny has discovered how expensive a midlife crisis can really be.
Islands don't buy themselves, I guess.

So no one tested you? Like farted and see if you reacted?

Eeeeeehhhhh, most of this evidence seems built in the idea that his eyes are completely dead and not functioning. If he's just seeing big blurry shapes all the time, he'd still be functionally blind and still fully capable of doing this stuff, especially since he's got his other senses and has been relying on them for

A) He's annoying and pretentious.

Scooters are awesome! Be thankful of the time you had with him, and remember it always!

You know I like you tons so I'm not trying to be a jerk... but I think that is kind of uncalled for. This is actually a comment about boner pills on a story about boner pills.