Tony Kaye fanboy

The warnings escalated over a 10 minute period. All of the protesters that were sitting already had their faces covered in some way. Re-watch the video several of the protesters get up and leave before the officer gets to them with the pepper spray.

Yes I don't think they were doing wrong. Neither do they, it is a symbolic gesture that "is a necessary step toward restoring trust on our campus." Administrative leave with pay is damage control.

"Owning a firearm to uphold your constitutional rights makes you a real American."

In the statements PRIOR to the event it was spelled out that nobody could camp there. No tents, stoves, sleeping bags, or anything that would indicate that someone was sleeping there. The protesters held a vote not to comply with the rules set forth and so they were removed.

Where did you see that in the comments?

"They could have easily tipped the people on their side, cuffed them and hauled them off." Yeah, physical confrontation would have been safer for everyone involved. /s

by sitting and locking arms they were demonstrating active resistance. When a law enforcement officer tells you to move and you do not you are resisting.

His point is they should have moved. They had options and chose to get spiced.

Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla heavily pushed HTML5. Why only credit Apple?

I would take the pepper spray over the batons they were carrying.

If enough people uninstall flash and they won't use flash for ads. What are we going to uninstall then.

I only have the OG iPad, and judging by how long it took to get the additional gestures I'm not holding my breath.

I agree, I personally have no problem with Apple restricting Siri to the 4S. I just think all the excuses that fanboys make are funny. There are no excuses needed. Apple is a for profit company and Siri is an incentive to upgrade to the newest version of the iPhone. If you want Siri buy a 4S and enjoy.

spin it. The fact that I didn't have to highlight the line I was talking about proves that it is misleading enough.

The uploading really isn't much of a pain. The app runs in the background of your computer without any interaction after the initial setup. Next thing you know all your music is backed up to the cloud available for streaming.


The dual core processor in the 4S can run the mail app faster, maybe Apple should pull that from the 4 too.

It still used servers which Apple shut down on 10/15.

On there website in the siri faq they claim siri requires the hardware of the iPhone 4s.