Tony Kaye fanboy

of course it is acceptable

What the fuck are you talking about? Bloggers? How many protests have happened over the years? There are countless incidents to draw on throughout the history of the United States that show what happens when you attempt to arrest people during a protest.

your FACT: is actually an OPINION. Threat of arrest does nothing when you are being blocked from leaving. The only next step was arrest, or dispersion. Pepper spray and pepper pellets are approved forms of crowd dispersion. And dispersion is way more safe then wrestling a group that outnumbers by such a large

WebOS is my favorite mobile OS, but HP has completely destroyed it as an ecosystem.

doubt they will have to resort to that as the pepper spray proved effective. And I was responding to this comment "Pepper spray can kill people. Really. But, don't let the actual facts get in the way of your opinions."

Peaceful assembly is fine, there were roughly 300 people there protesting. It is only the few that decided to block the police IN after they removed the offending tents, that had issues.

The warning lasted for over ten minutes after they blocked the officers in. He held it up as a last warning to them.

Fact. Nobody died. Fact, worse injury was a burning sensation whose hospital visit was an overly dramatic eyewash. Not in my way at all.

We have evidence to support that theory. Go look at the arrests from New York a couple of weeks ago, or basically any protests that have required arrests, they almost always escalate.

By injury I was referring to something that required a bit more than an eye flush. Broken bones, bruising or anything else that could have resulted had they used force.

I still fire up my Dreamcast every now and then. Bass fishing, Soul Caliber, and Crazy Taxi. Damn it now I've got to go play some Crazy Taxi.

Work @ Microsoft and you can really bring home the bacon

With performance like that buyers should be lining up!

They totally missed that headline opportunity!

The link was a written AFTER the incident as damage control for the University and b. specifically says IN A LAWFUL FASHION which the protesters were not doing. Erecting tents and sleeping in the quad is against the law as is blocking the exit of the police and their equipment from leaving after taking down the

I'm no lawyer, but I do know that your comments about the 9th district ruling are in direct contradiction to what I'm reading, I can't really say with any certainty what the ruling meant other than a dollar to the defendants.

And they didn't do so in a lawful fashion. Don't forget that part.

Problem is they were sitting arms locked with each other. Attempting to arrest them would probably resulted in actual injuries as well as an escalation of violence. Where as the pepper spray broke it up with no injuries. I personally prefer this method to the arrest method used by the NYPD the resulted in injuries

The 9th Circuit Court ruling does limit the use of Pepper Spray as excessive force. This wasn't the case here it wasn't continuously sprayed directly into the eyes of anybody, nor did I see an officer use a Q-Tip to apply it directly into someones eyes. Lets stay on topic.

There was plenty of choice for them. They chose to be there. They voted to disobey the university. When asked to leave they chose to physically defy the police. When presented with the option of leaving or being removed they chose to remain. Plenty of choices were made, many of them would kept them from being