Tony Kaye fanboy

I don't understand why this is supposed to be negative news. Apple poured money into purchasing this product. It's their feature to put on whatever they want . . .

The background-color of the items doesn't show in IE9, but it is functional. Of note on Chrome when you click on a store you lose the avatar, reply button and heart from the comments sections. 16.0.912.41 beta-m

What if Motorola doesn't want to license it? Like Apple is doing to Samsung. Apple eventually caved to Nokia, but Nokia was trying to license their patents all along. Motorola hasn't ever said that they have even talked to Apple about licensing these patents.

funny thing is I read that launched IE9 and I can't find the part that doesn't work.

All three of them offer that, so mentioning it is moot.

It is fine if the property owner allows it.

Download the music manager application. Point it to your music folder and ignore it for a week.

"In addition, Flash has not performed well on mobile devices." Flash on mobile consistently outperforms HTML5 in mobile tests.

Give ASUS some consideration too.

That isn't embryonic stem cells. The stem cells in use come from the actual patients being cured. Not sure if you meant it, but it further supports witpeen's comment.

It is in opinion piece. Written to sway users into believing his views on Flash. In doing so there are a lot of assumptions and musings but very few facts.

I thought you said that was a nice read. Jobs should have been a politician, that was a factless 1000 words that people are linking to as if it says something profound.

depends, Android dominates several markets. iOS dominates the tablet market, but Android has the smartphone, smart refrigerator, car audio receivers, toasters, and eve watches.

porn on a tablet is clumsy, difficult, and messy.

Consider how Adobe makes their money, development tools. With Edge getting close to release their HTML 5 development tools offerings are on par with Flash. There is no doubt that Flash will see an increasingly smaller role in the web as HTML, JavaScript and CSS continue to evolve, and Adobe seems to be getting out

Fragmentation refers to more than OS versions of Android. Small devs don't typically have to worry about the hardware acceleration that is required to make Flash not swallow your battery whole.

Kind of sad really, Flash on my phone, I rarely use it. Flash on my tablets, love it.

Notice he said market fragmentation first. It is expensive to keep up with so many platforms.

I have to install linux based DVRs because my employer says so. Or is that because my employer chooses to use them?

Do they "have" to because they cannot afford OS X or because they can't be bothered to learn how to use a linux distro?