Tony Kaye fanboy

Germany buys a lot of apps too

I completely forgot that I had patched up the system before the update. No problems, though. Uberkernel doesn't work, but at least it is less laggy at stock.

Three dimensional spacial tracking instead of marker tops on your finger tips. It is a wearable version of this []

as a music player, Apple crippled it. But we are talking research here and incremental improvements aren't considered research and development.

Don't forget they use that cash to purchase a lot of "R&D" too in the form of other companies.

They didn't develop iTunes from the ground up either, they bought it.

wow, I wish I could heart you again!

of course they have reasons, they want you to buy the new version.

Apple has a well recorded history of arbitrarily holding back features.

Calling people, texting people, making appointments, setting reminders etc...

should settle down in a couple of days, after all you can only ask the meaning of life so many times before it gets old.

If you don't realize that a corporation's sole purpose is trying to get your money then you need lay off the Kool-Aid. I am at peace with this fact.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Justify it as much as you want, your history on this thread shows that when proven wrong on it you will just come up with something else.

Wolfram Alpha is used for the "answers"

They are still attempting to re-write history in the shape of an Apple.

You posted the quote " she can completely understand you" meaning it is capable of processing the speech recognition. The response comes from Apple's servers which according to the article, "Apple isn't authenticating Siri commands from an iPhone 4," Apple is blocking if you aren't using an iPhone 4s.

it does look bad, a quick scan of various Apple support forums show that there is a large segment that agrees too.

She is efficient too as they only found 2 grams of pixie dust.

This is just a trick to locate all the fanboy trolls. Spotted one!