Tony Kaye fanboy

True, but rarely in tech does FIRST translate into best/most used. Apple made the FIRST usable GUI, Microsoft made it popular. SJ seemed to learn from that experience hence the iPod, not the first but the most popular. The iPhone, no real firsts either, but very popular. etc.

While I don't agree with most of this article I don't really see how you are going to hit your data cap that much faster with iCloud. Basically the only thing that will automatically transmit is photos and those are not very large.

clearly reading comprehension isn't a strong point.

"most people" that I know knew nothing of the impending update. The iPhone 4S made the news, iOS 5 didn't.

but according to Apple/Giz we are in the post PC era, you don't need one because of the magic of iCloud.

What does that have to do with the price of additional space? You should have read his comment before posting a unrelated snarky reply.

who does that now? Must have been an iOS thing.

I have honestly no idea about his charitable contributions. Nor would that change my opinion of him. I am a prick and I donate time and money to various charities.

I didn't know Mother Theresa personally but based on a preponderance of evidence I feel pretty comfortable saying she was a good person. With Jobs there is overwhelming evidence indicating he was a prick. . .

This doesn't PROVE anything, it is a random guy on the internet who drew half circles on a photo. Different sized circles at that(the iPhone has a larger circle).

Apples and cabbage don't really go together though.

probably, when it lands on Sprint. though I am really enjoying mango. I have a problem.

[] I dare to tell you otherwise. Some companies prefer to reduce overhead by paying Microsoft to manage it for them. I've done it both ways and much prefer the hosted approach.

I can't really say either way about how the majority of people hold their phone, but neither does the guy who Gizmodo is quoting on this, it is a random blogger who drew circles(different sized circles at that) on pictures of phones in an attempt to justify his own dissatisfaction with Apple's decision to not increase

I own an Epic 4G(4") and an Arrive(3.6") and have not experienced any issue with reaching anywhere on either screen with plenty of room to spare. And when I hold my tablet 1 handed the exact same amount of my thumb is still available for movement on the screen. Not sure where you are getting this stretch from, but

the arc for my tablet is the same as my phone. No matter what size screen my thumb remains the same.

That is closer to fiction than history.

I'm just glad I can finally run Radio Time and at the same time as telenav. I have finally switched from Android full time now.