Tony Kaye fanboy

you mad?

Badges mean nothing, you can order those online for $50.00.

At least they didn't give the empty promise of "marching this down to a standards body today" like they did with FaceTime.

shouldn't you be in school? /smart remarks

Or, you know the iPhone is now available on Sprint, and that means unlimited everything, so text away.

I can understand the setiment though. As a developer software is my "thing" but no matter how much I try I just cannot get my wife excited about software. The hardware is the bling and that is what brings the wow factor.

Like latitude is on Android???

"That's never been done in a phone before, apparently." Never really been needed before.

it needs a data connection, not very convenient when relying on wi-fi

1. re-read his statement, he never called Apple a patent troll, he said they are legitimizing them.

or Zune before it.

The lets talk iPhone invitations to the event tomorrow indicate they are going to talk iPhone tomorrow.

The blogs have been trying to kill the Zune all year. Remember that fake Bloomberg post from March.

I definately looked at it last week too.

That would depend entirely on how much content you consume and from what sources.

the part you put aside. Otherwise it it is a very nicely designed phone.

Suckers, I would have run HP into the ground for 8 Million.

It must be a VERY slow decline then, because their Market Cap is actually up since their last stock split in 2003.

Yes and Microsoft didn't jump straight into filing a lawsuit they brokered a deal that both companies could live with. This is an example of working out your differences. See Apple vs Samsung to see what not working it out looks like.

There wasn't any lawsuit filed. The two companies worked it out like big boys instead of crying to mom.