@Dope_danny: yes.
@Dope_danny: yes.
@BloggerBobTSA: It is a good thing for a government agency to sound human. Which is why these tweets are a problem.
@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: The narrator does have a pretty distinct voice...
@AldoraGreel: "People who don't acknowledge climate change are idiots."
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: I agree that vaguely remembering the physical location of a place you keep your car is a much-needed complement to 100% blindly trusting in a phone's GPS.
@HitmonInfinity: As a just-married person, while I completely and utterly respect that part of a relationship means that all decisions of consequence are now joint decisions, I would humbly suggest that your decision to continue or not to continue on Facebook should remain a personal choice. If you really do want to…
@HitmonInfinity: kill it and you won't miss it after 1 week. pinkie swear.
@Yeah!: I know! I bet they REALLY DID WANT Japan to get bombed instead. I bet their little "joke" was just thinly-veiled contempt and racism, and not at all hyperbole of such a huge degree as to make it obvious to even the most literal person in the world that it wasn't serious.
@KamWrex: "If you can, vote with your dollars. If you must fly, opt out of the scanner and get a nice pat down."
@Mpowered: Are you purposefully being obtuse right now? I trust you're a clever person enough to know that not every single bad guy in the universe makes the exact same risk/reward tradeoff. Thus, it is quite possible that while SOME terrorists may not be deterred by the TSA, OTHERS are.
@Hammer_of_Justice: wow.
@Mpowered: I am also a little skeptical of the raw benefit provided by the current approach to airport security, BUT... deterrent, hombre.
Funny how this puts no burden on the person asking the "obvious" yes/no question. In many cases, people asking yes/no questions are REALLY trying to find out information about a fundamentally different question. If the respondent ACCURATELY assesses that there is a different underlying motivation of the question…
@steino: that... is an obscure reference.
@ecapox: that data is available in wikileaks, get on it
I love the SunChips story because it distills the reality of 'America wanting green' into a single little case study:
@spyderr0de0: limited ammo paintball = way more intensity. I like the "zombies must tag" rule, just don't let people have 30,000 round hoppers ;)
@gsh0ck: Bridges and all that.
Because Gizmodo is the only source I use to gather any information about the outside world, I must say I am really disappointed in Gizmodo's obvious bias here.