Tony Bologna

@Damob: Thanks for sharing that.

I think I want this to happen. The damage done to the original movie because of the second and third (which I found mildly enjoyable, albeit extremely disappointing compared to my expectations) is done so even if the 4th and 5th are gutter trash, no [extra] harm done.

@RandomMacUser: How to sniff out a person with dogmatic beliefs 101: when they respond to a discussion with "Typical [evolutionary scientist/liberal/conservative/galatic ape], blah blah blah."

@RGLarson: I have always been interested in the "reasonable expectation" component. How the heck is "reasonable expectation" determined?

@Faustroll: I hope that when they revisit the eldrazi storyline they take the lovecraftian-tainted theme from the 9 they got it now and crank it up to 11.

Just a friendly reminder that more MTG in my io9 is a very, very good thing. So, so, so nice to talk & read MTG away from the hardcore MTG sites.

@scarbrtj: I think you need to look up what a hypothesis is, and what it distinctly is not. Especially if you're gonna drop the snide #logic ref at the end.

This challenge resulted in pics that far exceeded my (low) expectations when I saw it announced. You are some very clever and talented folk, thanks for sharing.

In before super-dismissive reaction.

@AcidSpoon: Holy crap! You could *gasp* use a timer (hey! $2.99 at amazon! also on your phone, for free!)! You could be engrossed AND still make your exit!

@waclark57: (1) Because it may take less time than waiting for a bus, and buses don't leave from your house directly

@Ryan: They do look that way when you're paying attention and know they are fake.

@Homer Berkowitz: Tell me more about how you store used condoms. This is a totally regular and normal behavior that the rest of us also do, so I would like you to elaborate so we can compare notes about this normal and regular behavior you brought up.

@minibeardeath: thanks for this, I already got it elsewhere, but this nailed it.

@coirbidh: And your perspective would be correct here. If anything, this laboratory setting probably proves that if we look "out there" in the natural environment for these little dudes in the right context, we'll almost certainly find the same outcome already happening.

@Prostate of Grace: Explain to me what would qualify as "new life" to you. I don't find your analogies at all appropriate, if I understand you right, basically ANYTHING that turns out to be alive can't be "new" because its still just life. Which kinda sounds to me like you just wanna have a semantics fight instead

Removed due to not reading previous post correctly.