Tony Bologna

@FooFighting: you are bad at good internet video

@Keith Whistler: Yes, because the physics of train and air travel are basically the same...

@homescrub: I generally want my car insurance to sell to me on such features as

I wanna join in on the laugh-fest of vegans, but I have met my fair share of NON-pretentious vegans (turns out they are a quiet folk, leading to the belief all vegans are loud-mouthed pretentious a-holes).

@csullivan: Wait... is this a pro or a con?

The question is rarely "can you become homeless by choice?" That is a definitive yes.

@UnderLoK: This doesn't sound nearly as epic a life motivator when we're talking about whether you should eat pink or red burgers... I think you can still 'take a bit outta life' and eat meat fully cooked.

I am the only person on this Earth who thinks Robocop vs. Terminator was one of the most badass takes on the Terminator franchise, ever.

"Every frame of this movie could be airbrushed onto a van."

@NutshotOuroboros: aww, are you upset they beat you to the punch before someone could pick up your Octophark script? (way worse name, by the way... what were you thinking?)

"I know it's hard to believe Isaac Asimov wrote more scientifically plausible sci-fi than a Disney channel show, but there it is."

@Valkyrie607votesMizJenkins: searching for love on a friday night instead of searching for grammar mistakes on scifi blog comment posts.