Tony Bologna

@rcdl: ... of that they're only 5 minutes long, we don't turn nearly as critical an eye to the CG execution, we don't have nearly the expectation for character depth & novel storytelling, and they are able to appeal explicitly to a (relatively) niche market of rabid, hardcore fans and still enjoy marketplace success.

@Grive: i'm not following your buttery goodness.

@vinod1978: If getting access to RIM's data makes it entirely impossible for spies to hide transmissions from the UAE through any mechanism, I'll completely agree with you.

Why the "is it perfect" discussion at all?

More important question:

@MVarga: I wish cooking would stop ruining hunting and gathering.

@Arkham: I wish bodysurfers would stop ruining swimming.

@BeyondtheTech: what would make them "legitimate" or "not legitimate"?

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Maybe he was being ironic? He kinda just pulled off the "academic high road troll" move, its a higher degree of difficulty, but it can work well.

@lankygibbon: I wish skaters would stop ruining surfboarding.

@blehbleh13: The Hulk is easily the most popular comic book character that is actually a trite snore-fest to me. Superman, I'm looking over at you too, buddy.

wow the sum of DC characters doesn't even vaguely stand up to the Marvel stable. that is one sad looking group shot up there.

@MyMiltankBringsAllTheBoysToThe...: all is free, or none is free.

@Golem100: I'm still waiting to become cool enough to say Will Ferrell isn't funny, but congrats on your success! ;)

@corpore-metal: I don't think this is meant to be taken as an autobiographical take of a real little girl in the 50s and the coping hallucinations she had. ;)

@dhawk00002: its impossible, things on the internet never change... I am just gonna blame you instead ;)

@Fase: yeah, when I think about living for years in a small space with minimal security, but all of my activities watched, my behaviors managed, and am completely unable to leave the perimeter I'm designated to, I think "VACATION! Shit, I mean, I'm allowed to still wear regular clothes and smile! Its basically just