Tony Bologna

A gift to my future children. They will be named one of the 10 most common US names of that time, and, coupled with my super-generic last name, offers one, albeit thin, layer of additional privacy. I call it the "zebra herd" approach to privacy... easy to find the pack, very hard to single out a specific person. :)

@Kent84: since.... forever? were you being rhetorical?

@d1zzle: Define "flourish." I agree, the RIAA are being, as you eloquently said, "fucking crybabies." But I have this suspicion that they know, deep, down, the profitability for music in a consumer-controlled world will never reach a shadow of the profitability they are enjoying even right now, as they are crying,

@animeman59: Goddamit fellow like-minded person, these are the sort of fail pile comments that hose us:

@truthtellah: why yes, yes it is. and since irony is, by definition, contingent on the actor "getting" that they're telling their audience a lie (and the audience "getting" that a lie is being told) this is very, very, very ironic.

@iScuba: hey, go look up the word "irony" (hint: not by listening to an Alanis Morissette song!), then come back and lemme know if you're still feeling strong on that "pot calling kettle black" analogy, kay?

@Snafu77: one is ideology that lead to some unfortunate craziness, and the other if craziness that lead to some unfortunate ideology. I see them as pretty distinct in that sense. You can sort out which one is which.

@kwtw: just did. and it was quite splendid!

@Collin Riley Scott: no, no, you got it all wrong... his neckbeard still allows me to act like a smug asshole despite not having a fraction of his success.

@rebelj12a: the public forgets it while scientists and engineers go through the long, arduous process of making the breakthrough applicable. so yeah, I'll take your bet and your money. But I'm guessing your bet will disappear into a black hole in the next 10 years ;)

How many of you would have seen this WITHOUT any knowledge of MNS' involvement and thought "hmm... looks pretty neat."?

@rooben001: A few more of us and we'll have our ka-tet rockin.

@shooga: yeah, you probably know way more about how to do this right.

@SEDAGIVE?!: this was such a convuluted effort to fit an OJ joke into this context that it actually came out the other side as pretty hilarious

@G-stylez: Yes, in the sense that removing the outermost layer of a turd slightly reduces the overall volume of a turd... but turd you'll still be feasting upon