Tony Bologna

@DaFron: Are you okay if I audit your allocation of your time and resources and judge whether or not I'm satisfied with how much effort you're putting toward solving the problem of world hunger?

@Nullifidian: That was a heroic effort. Thank you.

this is the first time I actually was interested in a superman storyline in a long, long, long time.

@lodown: "more Kafka than Giger"

The thing I'm more interested in is long-term effects of self-control depletion.

@_Ko0LaiD_: and grand-prize winner of the "completely overlooks the point of the article" award goes to.... ;-)

@lodown: "And pointing out the sexism on Digg is "poor logic" or reasoning how?" Indeed, that is not poor reasoning, that's merely a claim and whatever evidence is brought to bear to substantiate that claim should be judged for its reasoning. I don't think I ever claimed Digg did not have persistent, sexist,

@lodown: A strawman is creating a false image of an opponent's position, then attacking that false representation to defeat your opponent in debate. I do not see any opponents here, just people talking. I *am* suggesting that poor logic is equally poor and inappropriate regardless of the sex of the source, but such

So, new to Jezebel here, just so I'm clear — are you all being ironic when, while complaining about the broad-stroked sexist comments generated by Digg users, many of the posters here follow *immediately* up with broad-stroked generalizations of males?

@Skid-Vicious: heh heh, i see what you did there... but actually I eat less and eat-in more often now... biking got me in pretty good shape, so now i eat less and healthier to keep in even better shape.

okay, first off, I'm not getting on some high horse as i know my situation can't be applied by everyone else. BUT, my fiance and I live together, and for the last year we've gone to a 1-car home, which is primarily hers, and I bike commute just about everywhere.

@JRod37: sorry, dude, I love me some open source, but Office is a flat-out great product that is coupled with my familiarity. I'm not here to evangelize, I'm here to get my work done. And Office does it better than OpenOffice for me (yes, I did give the old Open Office a few weeks run). I'm happy there are people

Just a heads up — for whatever its worth... I was a Chrome Beta junkie for about 8 months with no trouble, but the most recent build turned my beloved Chrome into a crash-o-matic. I'm back on the normal builds for now until the water calms.

@ErikH: You know times have changed. Focus on that part.