
I read all three hoping they would all be innocuous (I'm generally on his side with this), but the first one was undeniably ill-advised. I don't think it betrays any racism on his part, but definitely a disregard for how one's words might be construed. The only knock I have for Jerry Seinfeld is that he seems to be

I interpreted the daughter's response to mean "you think all I'm interested in is boys because I'm a teenaged girl, but there are plenty of other things I care about, and lots of other reasons I'd want to go into the city."

Ok … except I used to work as a sports stringer and regularly listen to sports talk radio … so there's that …

Well, those are separate arguments. The argument that criticizing Seinfeld is "slanderous" is obviously wrong; slander is a false statement of fact, whereas the Gawker article in question contains true statements of fact (here's what Seinfeld said) and correct statements of opinion (what he said is racist).

I have a sneaking suspicion that he doesn't perform on college campuses because a) nobody under 35 has the slightest interest in seeing him and b) he couldn't get away with charging exorbitant ticket prices, which means that c) college students won't pretend he's still funny in order to self-justify all the money they

Dude read my comment again …

Again, I said there was no obligation to go into the history. But just leaving the audience with the clear implication that black = dangerous is shitty and racist, and he deserved to be criticized for it. If you're going to leave an "observation" like this at the level of banal racism, skip it.

Someone gave my daughter the Bee Movie for her first birthday last year, which can only be explained by re-gifting, or a complete mental break.

Predominantly black neighborhoods tend to be more dangerous because of decades of racist policy designed to suck wealth and opportunities for economic advancement through legal activity out of those neighborhoods. Acting like the "black" part rather than the "racist policy" part is what makes the neighborhoods

I'm going to whip out my gay-card and disagree with you. I don't like being complicit in falsehoods if I can avoid it, and I really don't like people trying to make me fit in their boxes. When I get asked the girlfriend question by people who don't know me well, I feel like I'm being forced into a decision: lie (why

But #cancelColbert was an utter failure. Most (not all, but most) people who care about sensitivity understand it's not just about if you are punching but in what direction you are punching. And no one with half a brain thought Colbert was punching down.

I mean, maybe it comes across differently in person, but this (from your first link) is not great: "It's all black people at, like, two in the morning. It's not in the greatest neighborhood."

Good for you? I'm glad I've met the platonic ideal of the gay, who can unilaterally speak for the experience of the estimated 4 million American homosexuals. I'll tell my grandkids about this day!

In the years to come, after you've placed them in an old folks home, just tell them you assumed it's what they wanted.

That was incredible.

The theoretical model of humor that best explains why Regular Potato Chip’s comment is funny is the “incongruity model,” perhaps most neatly summed up by noted humorist Immanuel Kant, who wrote that “a lively convulsive laugh” can only be elicited by “something absurd [and] the sudden transformation of a strained

Exactly … and her idiot father decided to broadcast a family story (what would've been a learning moment) and use it to push some bullshit anti-PC agenda.

The issue is that a person who is not yet interested in dating should not be being told by their parents "You will definitely date boys," because if she feels an impulse to date girls, potentially the parents' assumption can feel like pressure. It's the kind of thing that is less a big deal coming from Jerry Seinfeld

Personally I think "Political Correctness" is at this point just something people say when they're not allowed to insult all the racial groups they could 20-30 years ago. So I'm not really siding with Seinfeld. As a non-white woman I'm personally glad that things are "more politcally correct" or whatever you want to

This is why I find it irresponsible (journalism that is). They were asked to evaluate the site. Kewl, so someone decided they should try it out. Bringing cameras and a 4th (uninvited person) is not how the date would normally go. At the offset, even if the girls did stick around, the experience isn't like it would be