
Oh god, Seinfeld’s response on that CBS Morning interview. He was asked why his show predominantly features other white male comedians as guests. He responded that the question “pisses [him] off”, and went on to describe a fanciful and slightly paranoid sounding “PC calculation” process by all those who are watching

I’m here for the critique of heteronormativity. However, I tend to agree with your above interpretation!

well put

If you’ve never lived as part of a marginalized class I’m sure it is hard to imagine.

Who knows, but most children are reared with parents who initially assume they are straight, like them, whether they are or not. All children are also exposed to near ubiquitous cultural messaging telling them that boys like girls and girls like boys.

I completely agree, well said. Reading Herald’s comments makes me believe he is a straight person posing as gay in an effort to speak for all gays in dismissing the chains of heteronormativity. Or, a very self-loathing queer who needs the assumptions of straightness from strangers to hide behind.


Totally agree. But proposing beating someone is just as unethical - what we should focus on is how social media following somehow has augmented reputation, and vendors are trusting Shop Jeen based on follower counts, rather than business ethics.

Says the person with HolyPoopBalls as their handle. Lol. I agree with all of these comments about the lack of business ethics here, but judging the ethical content of the merchandise? That has nothing to do with business.