tonight, living in a fantasy

I believe Meredith Palmer knows what we’re all thinking. 

There are also tribal lands out there for the various Algonquian tribes. People have been living in poverty out there for a very long time, ignored and pushed into hidden enclaves, surrounded by mansions put up on their stolen lands. 

Exactly. Gee thanks Gavin for trying to see the issue from both sides. 

Sooo... shouldn’t this stuff now be covered by “stand your ground” laws? They are supposed to cover rape. Every woman just gets a gun, and if someone even looks like they’re about to attack her, she can legit shoot them. Right? I know that’s only for stand your ground states, but seems like that’s where women would

Haven’t seen the show, but I really like both these actors, so now I have to! 

Hi there. I just sent you something too.

After serving in Iraq over 20 years ago, my brother thought he would become a cop and went to school for criminal justice. When it came time to do ride-alongs with the local cops and staties, he quickly realized they were a bunch of morons whose sole purpose in life was to look tuff and harass people. They had a

This totally belies my age, but it was like listening to the scene in Porky’s 2 where the corrupt “Christian” politicians are caught on film talking about a porn they were watching. Bunch of hypocritical fucking rednecks, for sure.

I mean that’s great, but it doesn’t change the fact that Airbnb is basically gentrifying the world. Everywhere you go, Airbnbs are raising the market value of rents to the point where locals can no longer buy or even rent in ‘desirable’ areas. Not just in the US, but worldwide. 

Finally, some uplifting news. 

SNS is Saturday Night Social. Basically the writer does a few short paragraphs to intro the thread, but the topic doesn’t even matter. It’s just there as a non sequitur conversation starter, not to be a 12 paragraph think piece.

Hi! Thanks! Yes, I’ve actually been on there for a hot minute. I was basically offline for almost 6 months and now I’m trepidatiously getting back to it. I’ll pop in soon :)

I just saw there were protests all over the US today (I’m out of the country) so I think we can give them a pass for today...

Yup, it’s bullshit. I haven’t been on here in ages because reasons, and I finally return to this. It’s depressing. 

I haven’t really been on here much in the last 6 months. What did I miss?

I think that’s the whole world now! Finger crossed for you, Pumpkin! 

Well this internet stranger thinks you’re awesome.

It is pretty gorgeous. It’s been a wet summer so idk if the color will happen, but hopefully. 

Sounds like therapy did help! You made the right call! If he’s acting like that, while he’s supposed to be working and being professional, he clearly has boundary issues. Even the other students can see it! That is just all kinds of messy. Good for you for recognizing that and getting out, not to mention getting away

Corgis are some of my favorite dogs and those faces do not disappoint! Lucky Darwin for having a new friend :)