tonight, living in a fantasy

Hello Miranda!! What a sweetie :)

Oh I know... I was wondering if you had found a more permanent apartment... you were looking at other towns for a bit.

We’re going to be a bit south of you, in SD.

I heard about that lol. Reminds me of living in the south and people losing their shit about a half inch of snow. Which, fair enough, if you don’t have snow tires and don’t know how to drive in it, you might slip and crash.

I think it’s not a bad way to live, to be honest. Playing it safe all the time is boring :) 

The leaves are changing up here already! Late season summer flowers are kicking, but the trees are saying time’s almost up. We’ve had so much rain this year, it barely felt like we had a summer. Then last week was a disgusting humid mess, and now it’s getting chill and crisp.

Wow... that’s a bit depressing. But hey we’re here so might as well make the most of it, I guess. 

Good luck with that! Moves are so stressful. I’ve slept on peoples’ floors before and basically been homeless a few times in my life. Never on the street, but still, the anxiety and stress is so consuming. But still, you will get through this! A year from now you’ll be like I am a warrior and went full beast mode on

Yeeesssss to rolfing! That sounds wonderful. I’m getting a massage tomorrow too! My first in years, but I am a physical wreck right now and need one in order to stand up right.

I have heard that. I got rid of most, but kept a couple. Unfortunately they are all in transit now and VT is dropping quickly. We have one more week here. I’d hoped to avoid buying a jacket before we head south and west, but it’s looking like I’m going to have to. It was a 90 degree, 90 % humidity sauna here the week

It is!! It feels so weird still, like I’m moving to a foreign country. I’m going to miss the NE Fall and sweater weather, but not enough to stay.

D’oh! Reading it again, I see that. What a jerk! An adult should know by now to not touch other adults like that. I hope you kicked him. 

Soooo... SNS started 1.5 hrs ago and there are only 9 comments?? Damn it all to hell.

Good luck with your move! Washington State? or DC?

Cheers for your paratha! I love Indian breads. So yum.

Makes you wonder why he’s divorced, or how he was able to find a rube bride in the first place.

Thank you. Dude is sooooo overrated. 

I had a roommate that had a malamute, simply because he loved wolves. He did not train that poor dog, and it was a nightmare. He destroyed my apartment, tried to jump out a window and ripped apart a steel door to get outside. And that doesn’t even begin to cover the issues of grooming and shedding. People need to not

Cousin Matthew - I can’t find your comment to reply or bring you out of the grays, and it only lets me see the first 5 lines of your comment in my notifications. Same with you Plotznow (sp?)

Oh totally! I think his whole “poly” thing was just doing whatever he felt like and not being honest. Which was why I stopped talking to him. All relationships needs honesty to work. I wish I had at least tried poly when I was younger... maybe it would have helped me be more flexible in the way I handle my