Paging Long_Voyager...
A 4-cylinder Supra is not a Supra but a Celica.
Or symptoms like platforms that persist over 15 years.
I wish that manufacturers would use Android One as a default
TL;DR: vote with your wallet and stop buying their phones.
This sounds like sound business model inherited from EA Need For Speed/Apple: offer bumpers and body kits as DLCs and accessories.
BMW Canada is seemingly not allowing orders of any 2020 2-series without an M-Sport package... You can’t remove it from the configurator at all.
But this is 7-day immediate which is separate from court sentencing, which is very likely a year or more if convicted.
It’s actually on the OPP tweet hashtag, #7daylicensesuspension.
I think it’s 7-day license suspension for the immediate penalty, not 1-3 years. Anything beyond that are HTA and Criminal offenses.
I wonder if it used to be a dealership. The giant glass windows, and the way the entrance is off to the side says a car showroom.
This is a common request and it’s really no big deal.
The concept itself did start its life as a Vauxhall concept car, the VX Lightning. Only issue was that the Kappa was never engineered to be RHD, so Vauxhall never got a version.
Well one can argue the Ecotec under the hood traces its roots back to the Opel and Lotus, since they lead the development.
As a Solstice owner... I take “parts bin car” as a compliment. It just means my op-cost is low even for a low production vehicle.
Surprised there were no mentions of exposed rivets in this section.