
Maybe everyone should just delete social media. Deleting mine was one of the greatest days of my life.

When a bunch of rich, powerful, white cis gender women get together to promote one of their own over actresses of color, it is in fact elitism. And one of the worst kinds. The academy remains a bigoted and biased operation. It feels like they decided a global Asian icon should take a back seat to the white English

It is the ultimate white bias. A bunch of rich white people campaigning against women of color. But toss Angela an oscar for a bullshit role in a movie thats important to black americans   its performative crap

It is somewhat different in that all these allegedly liberal white cis gender actors showered another white cis gender actor with praise and pushed out deserving actors of color. It is a glaring illustration of barely subconscious bias. They spent a year praising an Asian cast, but made certain Michelle Yeoh won’t win

So on one hand, we have body shamers telling us Sam Smith is too fat and too queerto be attractive. yet on the other, we have attraction shamers inferring we’re bigots if we don’t find him sexy. Fuck the internet.

All three could play Bowie, Elton John and Freddy Mercury and finally pay homage to the queer men who created the freedom they pretend theyre creating

This video is not raunchy unless you consider derivative egomaniacs in Madonna cosplay to be raunchy. 

Maybe his only offense was being sloppy and exposing their open relationship to the world which is of course no one’s fucking business anway.

Yet the toktok generation were the ones who forced platforms to censor everything that might endanger their self created fragility. Zero empathy for these fools. As for Julia Fox, no grown ass adult needs to be posting content. Go be an adult and read a motherfucking book.

If tikers are offended words arebeing banned they ought to scutinize the trigger culture they created. How is mascara any less triggering if you know it mmeans rape?

The kids are not alright

Romania has been raked over the firey coals by fellow EU members over human rights and trafficking and has been making concerted efforts to clean their shit up. They will make an example of Tate and use him to reboot their standing. As Russia commits genocide in neighboring Ukraine, they cannot afford any affronts to

I hope he’s made buddies with all the STD infested inmates who love to play ‘drop the soap’ in the shower. His mouth is awful purty too. Well served Romania...well served.

complaining a out tv show cancellations has what to do with drug addictions? Gotta love the bigotry against a valod medical condition o  here!

So you think he’s a scumbag for reforming his life of crime and lutting bad people away? Being this is old news, (decades), you can take your GenZ ass elsewhere and rage about drug addicts instead of flashers. Idiot asshole

We need to listen to accusers, not blindly believe them just because. I hope you get accused of something you didnt do.

They understand presumption of innocence before proof of guilt.

Goddess bless pregnant WOMEN


I hope Shakira and Miley understand their exes look like gold in their silence which perfectly illustrates WHY they left their respeftive partners to begin. The boys are winning here.Enjoy your freedom from the hot cup o crazy you were drinking from boys