
So we’re going to pretend non-binary people in Gaza had rights and visibility to begin with? I am all for a ceasefire so I’m glad to see pro-palestine advocates are FINALLY starting to acknowledge the existence of LGBTQIA Palestinians who are normally bullied and murdered. Can’t wait to hear how the ceasefire will

I can’t wait to see Millennials graduate into the Gen X mindset of “zero fucks to give” ....Y’all have been through enough. Come hang and be neither happy nor sad in your skinny jeans and side parted hair. You can send all the emojis you like without judgement.

Yet another X popping in. Who gives a shit, let the kids fight over their stupid cake. There are a ton of cakes out there that look far better than that, anyway. As long as we’re not dragged into it, why should we give a damn?

Harry and Meghan are the definition of tiresome, which isn’t to say Charles and Camilla are not the very definition of something worse than tiresome.

Good! She deserves it. She continually lies about the only Jewish country in the world which is the size of New Jersey. By the way Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005. There are 23 countries that the OFFICIAL religion is Islam and 49 MUSLIM majority countries. There is only 1 Jewish country. Yet the left obsesses

So, Harry saying he *didn’t* get an invitation in response to a news article is the just like Dakota Johnson telling Ellen she *did* get an invitation directly to Ellen because... both involved invitations? That’s it? And that the Johnson thing led to the end of Ellen’s show *three years later*, a claim which is

This post is poorly written and confusing.

Also does not help that Hamas outlawed abortion and all womens rights. Israel is a violent state...but at least their women are free to control their bodies (when they are not willingly subjugating themselves in wool tights and bullshit wigs) Que all the hypocritical cunty jezzi “feminists” who support an inherently

Two women dating is filed under dirtbag? ummmmmm okay?

Why cant you post on the root anymore


This post is not even up to the extraordinarily low journalistic standards of Jezebel.

Kylie will never issue a retraction. Never. 

Probably doesn’t help that Palestinian Jihadis are accidentally blowing up their own hospitals.

Not fan of her, there was an article where she said her son helped her get on ayahuasca bc she was suicidal….feel like that is not her sons weight to bear. 

I feel the same way. What mother has sex with her son’s friend? Rather smarmy. 

You won me with “child’s poop schedule”

Empty people doing empty shit is not news. 

Sorry, but ANY makeup company that claims to be feminist is full of shit. Without female insecurity, they’re out of business.

Even before the Depp deal, did you actually believe they were serious about being inclusive feminists who cared?