
Maybe start by jailing their mothers for raising monsters. 

He dates a hillbilly drama queen.The only thing he did wrong was go back to her harrassing ass the first time. This pathetic attempt at a burn only makes him look like the sane one. Bad move Miley girl. Same for you Lana D. She who is victorious need not look back.

mmmmmmeh If you have to drop a single on your ex’s birthday w/ lyrics about hroken dreams and burnt homes, you clearly did not win.

Maybe next time they’ll hire a black man who is actually funny. Scientology jokes are the low hanging fruit of lazy comedians.

Why can’t the internet just break permanently? I’d miss you all but if it meant getting rid of bad influencers, conspiracy contrarians and death eaters, I’d fucking dance

I am a regular at a tapas bar in manhattan where the food is incredible and the owmer shuts the place down once a summer to treat ALL employees (part time included) to a summer retreat. I’m not telling you the name as to not lose my seat at the bar.

There’s purity, and then there’s decency.

The idea that women have no agency over their lives and are easily “manipulated” by powerful men with money (and shitty douchebag ink) is a tiresome and fucked up way to look at Women. Women are not a species of weak minded damsels incapable of thinking for themselves or seeing right from wrong. She chose to have

WTF does “I was not in the scene” even fucking mean? The golddigging scene? Gurl...your consenting adult ass spread open for a human canvas of douchebag tattoos that also had a wedding ring on and now you’re mad you’re not going to wear the other wedding ring. An absolute yoko ono fail.

IG Model = Hooker.

I think the “power dynamic” excuse is insulting to all cogent minded women who are in control of their lives. Now that its clear he is not leaving his wife, she feels manipulated by a power dynamic??? No dear, you failed hard at usurping his wife’s NOW there was an unfair power dynamic...gotcha.

Maybe their marriage is open and this girl is fucking with them. Maybe not, but I definitely smell sone major horeshit wafting fom her direction.

Gotta love how everyone assumes he is cheating. It is possible he has an open marriage. It is possible this consenting 23yo old adult resents he did not leave his wife for her, thus upping her IG followers. I call bullshit.

I think the correct term you’re looking for is “golddigger”

Amen! The guilt from this user is palpable. If one is blind to privileges of rich white lady abortions, they’re very much part of the fucking problem. 

Pretty certain it is an accurate comment on the disparity between women of means and everyone else. Try new reading glasses, kitten. You’re a bit too blind on the obvious class distinctions in the abortion landscape...or is that smell of rich white lady guilt wafting from your kinja?

Dissolve the union. I want to live with Americans, not facist theocrats. I am okay if these people die. Its time

Hey there shitstain!

I am fine with schoolchildren being murdered, so long as they are MAGA spawn. It’s time for extreme gun violence to befall those who enable it. There’s no other way.

What do you do for a living? Marketing? 😂😂😂