
Cool, then it’s not for you. I am a strategist and copywriter. I like macOS because it’s what my colleagues use and it works.

Presumably, when you wake up at 5:30, it’s after a night of restful sleep of at least 6 or 7 hours. That is typically not the case when you have a baby, and depending on the child, even a toddler.

There's always levels to this, but Rhame should absolutely have been thrown out for throwing two pitches up by Hoskins' head. If you want to plunk a guy on the thigh or butt that's dumb but at least not potentially breaking a bone in the face or giving a guy a concussion. Honestly a lot of credit to Hoskins for not

Worse, people treat their being bad at math as a -badge of honor-

This is exactly why I’ve long worried that putting the most vulnerable women and children in the crypts of Winterfell, where they’ll be surrounded by the dead bodies of their loved ones like Ned Stark “to keep them safe,” miiiiight not be the greatest idea ever.

I hate to repeat myself but I’m going to go ahead and copy/paste this here:

I think he means that he wants the vehicle to also be able to do road trips in rural areas where there aren’t recharge points. 

My goodness. Ethyl-Mercury is a safe (at low doses, which vaccines come in well below the safe line) compound and metabolizes out of your system fairly quickly. It’s like telling people to stay away from salt because it contains Sodium and Chlorine. Much more toxic on their own, much less toxic together, just like

Why does every anti-vaxxer sound like they have a wall with pictures and yarn connecting dots. Here’s some dots to connect, you have absolutely no understanding of medicine, science or biology, and your anecdotal evidence is only proof of your propensity to trust former Playboy models over actual medical researchers.

Your link is about people having allergic reactions to vaccines. This is different than your claim that vaccines kill people; you're confusing different things. An allergic reaction is the thing that's dangerous, but fortunately, you can test for them safely. Not that you personally care about facts, but in case other

I hope nobody in your family eats tuna, because about two cans of tuna fish has mercury comparable to what you find in a vaccine preserved with thiomersal.

There is no organized effort to implement Islamic Law in the United States.

Nah that’s pretty much it. The ruleset is less important than how fanatical the people are about it.

The problem with championship parades is that they always take place on a weekday, so when New England sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending people who have jobs and contribute to society. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.

I’ve had a refund every year since I first started filling taxes at age 16 - and this year I OWED a significant chunk of money. I file single, no investment income, the most complicated thing I have to itemize is a mortgage, and my deduction was even higher than the standard. And yet, after getting a good-sized refund

You just got flagged by the NFL and now they’re going to spot Brady 6 points at the start of the Superbowl. 

I still live in Philly and while Hayes was a good guess, Ford is a fucking moron. And as you stated I and I would guess most Phillies fans, would have understood that he would go in as Blue Jay. I’m surprised his wife and kids are going with the blank cap seeing as he said he’d go in a Jay.

For fuck’s sake. I don’t live in philly anymore but am a lifelong fan. Based on the headline I would’ve guessed Marcus Hayes. He’s a known moron whereas Ford is generally respected, at least until this.

As a Phillies fan, I very selfishly want him to go in as a Phil, but of course he is a Blue Jay in the Hall. October 6, 2010 is one of my favorite sports moments. Thanks for the memories, Doc.  

Poor Pillboi.  He was never given a chance.