
Chop a leg or two off, worked for us.

I love these kinds of articles. Short, straightforward, interesting. Good work.

Fiction or self-improvement type non-fiction: E-books by far. Using an e-ink screen the weight, convenience, etc. are all so much in favor of e-books. Anything where I expect to read from front to back and don't need to make many notes. I have only bought 1 paper fiction book in the last 3 years (280+ read) and that

Andy Reid did that all the time. In fact, he used to do three shows a day, until that stupid Blackfish documentary made everyone all uppity about it.

I think both sides can be right, but it comes down to expected earnings for your degree.

This is particulate filtering not biological filtering. I strongly recommend any water filtered this way is boiled before consumption or treated with chlorine bleach to kill everything living in it. I have seen successful Solar disinfection by using a long parabolic reflector and a clear pipe to run the water

NYC is a hellhole.

I just had an idea. What about having a power strip with chargers plugged in and you could just have a socket converter for that if you go abroad? I don't know how it could be easily packed with things like laptop chargers but it could work.

"I'd like to cancel my season tickets to the Astros."

Right.. as a plexpass subscriber I'd like to say the software is AMAZING. In the early 2000's I got the itch to move my media collection to digital, since that time I have not gone more then 2 months with making major changes to my media storage and access processes. I've run on pretty much every major platform out

Um...that's some of the best part of Plex. It indexes your media, and then goes out and gets crowdsourced metadata and art to populate the (very nice) interface. The only case where this would even be a potential issue is if you Plex decided that they would sell out to the content owners and start looking for

There are a lot of different versions of Heinekin in my book:

There are two types of people in this world: People who like Yuengling and people who are wrong.

Yuengling? Go to hell and die.

I just received my Mountek nGrove magnetic snap. I'm in love with it. Popped the metal plate behind my otterbox and not a problem in sight.

I just received my Mountek nGrove magnetic snap. I'm in love with it. Popped the metal plate behind my otterbox and

If they will give us less LeBron James and Johnny Football, I'm all for it.

In pic #1 the only guy who needs knocked unconscious is the shit for brains who wore shoulder pads to a football game.

Our problematic fans here in Philly just have better marketing. If San Fran wants mainstream media attention on its problems, their thug fans need to come up with memorable names like our thugs do. Names like "Pukemon", or "Howard Eskin".

I, for one, think a lot of this is alcohol-related. Get rid of the alcohol and you'll get rid of the problem. Plus, it'd be totally fitting for AT&T to not have any bars.