
Cultural aaapppppprrrrrooooooppppprrriiiaaatttiiiioooooooooöôõnnnn!@$#!!!

As a med student I petitioned the local high school to let me teach a course on applied cognitive behavioral therapy, because really, all humans need positive coping strategies and tools for critical thought examination. Their attitude was similar to the commenters here: just teach ‘em algebra and they’ll do great.

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It ain’t mainstream until it’s been culturally appropriated.

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I loved your response to WTH, all perfectly true and beautifully written. My favorite video on the subject from another Dr.:

It’s always sad when someone you know starts spouting conspiracy theories because it stems from a feeling of deep insecurity and loss of control; conspiracy theories offer an easy way to feel smarter than everyone else, and facts can never trump emotion and self-image. Honestly, I pity the fool.

I clicked on the article hoping for an explanation as to why the American houses have giant swollen penises popping out of them. I am still confused.

MLK deserves to be heard. Fiat Chrysler spent millions of dollars to spread his gospel to people who may have never heard his words. The MLK estate reviewed the ad and thought it was a good message. I thought it was a good message and kudos to this corp for putting it out there in a political climate that makes even

Let kids decompress when they get home, but have this conversation over dinner. What (younger) kids want most is the attention and to know you care, and kids who eat with their families do better on every conceivable metric.

It takes some serious skill to take off your pants over your boots (plus the intoxication difficulty multiplier), and I have to wonder if there wasn’t a wee accident beforehand that required full strippage.

Man, Enslaved was a good game. Pigsy is a direct reference to Zhu Bajie from Chinese mythology so he gets a pass, and Roadhog’s bulk is a strength.

I have a shelf of xbox one games and more than half are unopened. I feel bad if I can’t complete a game, so I just look at the title, think about the time commitment and then go back to mobile games.

Can I request an article ranking all the anime on Anime Strike, now that the service has opened up? I keep hearing all the best stuff is on anime strike, but ignored it completely due to the extra fee.

I loved those characters so much. I was over the moon when I found a hat that looked like Shiki’s in London. I was crushed when my girlfriend lost it 3 days after I gave it to her. To this day, I still look in the hat section of every clothing store I visit and I’ve never seen another one like it.

When people have died because they forgot to eat, sleep, or drink while they were so into their marathon gaming session, then yes, objectively gaming is a problem for some people. When gaming starts to degrade your quality of life rather than enhance it, it’s time to take a step back and assess whether you have a

Is it at all surprising the ESA sounds like the tobacco industry? Whenever you hear “trade group” whatever comes next is just wah wah BS.

Indeed. In our kindergarten they teach Marquess of Queensberry rules.

I also found myself outside the passport office at 5am when I discovered even 8 month old infants need passports. It makes sense, but I’m not sure the facial recognition would do much as her chubby little face is balled up in angry, crying, snotty contortions for the photo.

OMG, depicting clowns as white people? Racist!!! /s

Americans should take a deep breath and stop imposing their cultural hang-ups on other countries. It’s cosplay, simple and pure as that. On the front page of this very site, a few articles up is a black person in whiteface. It takes some deep cultural knowledge of minstrel tradition from a hundred years ago for an