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While it’s hilarious it’s still in Alpha, they’re clearly very successful at delivering a space sim experience that rich people with expensive rigs are having fun throwing money at.

To Educationally Exhausted:

Hmm... If I were to pick my rival it would be Sword’s Kyary Pamyu Pamyu over Shield’s weird magical clown.

Well, Damn. If Puke Lunkett of Tokatu recommends Love Thyself, I guess I gotta try it out!

Looks beautiful! But for a game about petting creatures, growing vegetables, and giant fuzzy tree bears, they need to develop cuter mask options.

Anime characters can’t even discuss other popular manga or anime, that’s how ridiculous Japanese copyright law is. For example, “Gundam” being bleeped out on Hayate no Gotoku or Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Japan or Japón, it’s still a foreign word on a foreign map.

It’s more about cultural indoctrination and brainwashing for political expediency. Almost everyone who fought in the war is long dead, so what is remembered now is what the people in power want you to remember. Japan is a US ally against the red menace, but if it were reversed you can bet politicians would be focusing

It’s like Sony read this report from 2 weeks ago and said “Nah.”

I have the 2017 E7 which supports 4.2 channel sound, same as the 2018 E8. This leads to Netflix and Hulu apps defaulting to 5.1 surround sound and loosing the audio track and other weird audio anomalies that make using the smartTV apps unworkable. Since you can’t set default audio in either app (I contacted support)

I have the 2017 E7 which supports 4.2 channel sound, same as the 2018 E8. This leads to Netflix and Hulu apps

For some reason, this video just makes me think of the sky high window cleaning bills that property managers must be fuming over to constantly be removing Spider-man’s super strong, super sticky, silly string from all these skyscrapers.

I’m sorry, but it’s not about spouting hot takes, it’s about establishing truth. Everyone knows Huxley’s Razor Sixty-two thousand four hundred repetitions make one truth.” These commentors are doing God’s work.


We’re all fooling ourselves in that regard. Most people will die never knowing all the ways they’ve been a POS minute to minute.

It works so well because they remodeled Drake to look more like Fillion after he nailed it with his voice acting. I remember the original concept art that based Drake on Johnny Knoxville! What a different experience that would have been.

That’s a really long-winded way to say “I want to stare at her butt.

This seems like an awesome way to let amateurs get involved. If the combined pool is only $50,000 for compensation, let’s not pretend this is a major component of their design budget.

As much as I enjoy beautiful scenery, I enjoy looking at my character’s cute butt much more. I am disappoint.

Yep. The app store was the “killer app”.

Awesome TIL! I was just at the Taito Station in Fukuoka this weekend (a 4 story arcade next to an even bigger 8 story arcade) and they had a huge Space Invaders setup (sit down, mounted guns). I had no idea Taito made vodka or Space Invaders!