
I have a 5 y/o and I let her watch the rare little kid anime on Crunchyroll to have her exposed to the Japanese language. She loves Bono Bono and Bottom Biting Bug, but honestly, I’m a little disturbed by the character interactions. If you want something kid friendly but watchable as an adult I recommend Sweetness and

This list should have the subtitle “: and a half dozen reasons you should regret having invested on the xbox.”

I bought Dropmix and all the expansion cards based solely on Fahey’s review and Penny-Arcade. I’ve had fun playing it with my daughter but it needs a lot more vocal cards because the lyrics get stale. It would be amazing if you could make your own cards from samples you’ve created yourself... please explain about

As someone who doesn’t watch football, that was clearly a catch, the NFL is corrupt, and I will be boycotting football as a result.

While the Xbox OneX may be more expensive then the PS4 Pro, It’s saved me a ton of money I otherwise would have spent on games.

150 bpm is the max. Pretty fast, but not enough to make them sound like the Chipmunks.

I have faith that it’s one of those things that you stop noticing 5 minutes in. Battle Angel Alita was my first introduction to anime/manga and still my favorite. I think I may have cried at the end of the OVAs. Rolling my eyes at all the trolls grasping at any straw on which to grind their political axe.

Still waiting to see what Xb1X will bring to the table.

Still waiting to see what Xb1X will bring to the table.

My daughter always gets a ton of toys as gifts for her birthday. We let her pick three to keep and the rest go to donations or re-gifting (There are just so many kids birthdays in kindergarten!).

It’s like training to chug beers: relax, let your sphincters open wide, and the food will flow through you. It’s an ancient Ayurvedic teaching on harnessing your Apana Vata . Diapers recommended.

•Obamacare is a GOP healthplan. The 90’s anti-Hillarycare plan. Romneycare. Stop being a sucker.

Barack and Michelle campaigned hard as hell for Hillary with the singular message that we’ve got to keep his legacy alive. Now everything they said would happen is happening as the GOP works overtime to dismantle everything he built. Goodbye to Obamacare, regulations on wall street, protections for consumers,

Sweet! I always role “Gourmet Hunter”.

and the one word sub “No” for a paragraph long dialogue. So Good!

+1 to Epic and screw this scumbag and his scumbag mom. Whatever happened to parental discipline and owning up to your mistakes? The statement from Epic provides complete clarity in this case.

Can’t he just block him if he doesn’t want to be matched with him again?

I would start with body weight movements before going for weights; you’ll still get great results and you won’t have to worry about hurting yourself or buying equipment you won’t use after a week. The key is to start small and build a habit. 10 pushups and 10 squats a day. Every week add another 10 reps until you’re

I hosted a muslim medical student from Pakistan. He explained he was studying medicine to curry favor with God who counts all your good deeds and wondered why anyone who didn’t believe in God would bother to do anything good for others. I explained that we are programmed from birth by societal and cultural norms and

I’m reminded of the study where sitting next to people who buy crappy airline food also made you more likely to buy crappy airline food—and possibly crap emergently a few hours later.

The anime from my teens is objectively the best anime.